Thursday, January 31, 2013

Singapore in 2030

     There are a number of pictures circulating the internet right now, all of which are lampooning the Government's projection of the 2030 population 17 years from now which projects that Sinhapore needs 6.5 to 6.9 million people of which the great additions will be from the foreigner and permanent residents (PR). This is because the projections of 1 elderly person will be supported by only 3.5 younger working persons is much lower than in previous decades.

     The fears of the common citizen are plentiful, overcrowded buses and MRT trains now, jostling for food court tables, cars and goods vehicles aplenty, accidents due to people rushing from point A to point B, see my post below, the prospect of citizens competing for jobs with the added new faces, and the ever upward spiral of costs of goods, cars, and HDB flats make an already stressed population of 5. 3 million sceptical of another up to 1.3 million more. Will we be packed like sardines and moved around from place to place, while the areas for quality living get more and more expensive ? 

      Businesses, small and large will worry about the current control of foreign workers permits jumping threefold in the last few years, costs of COEs for Open category vehicles around the $100,000 mark, the highest ever, and ever squeezing down of profits from the tender projects.

      I worry that this time, the push ahead will be too much for the ordinary citizen to cope pscholgically and will impact their quality of life. Lets look for other solutions from Scandinavian countries and the other countries with aging populations and see what policies have they got to tackle this inevitable issue going forward.    

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St Paul et Vence ; dining in the small alleyway up above all the towns

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