Monday, May 13, 2013

My family, circa 1999

Celebrating my Dad and Mum's birthday ; this was taken November 24th 1999 

         This was taken sometime late 1999, the date on the photo states 24th November 1999. As my parents' birthdays both fall in the last week of November, we normally celebrate both birthdays at one go, most times at one of the well known Chinese dining establishments in Singapore. So the 24th Novmeber must have been a Saturday and that's where everyone is free from work and other committments. 

        This photo was probably taken at Min Jiang at Goodwood Park hotel serving Peking duck which was my father's ( we called him Papa) favourite. In addition, we would have some steamed fish, sharks fin soup (when it was still acceptable to order and eat it !), some pork ribs and whatever dishes which were in season. The restaurant has since closed and made way for some newer fusion food joint.  

        At the time of this photo, my father would just have turned 80,  he was healthy, hale and hearty for a good 85 years walking without a walking stick till the last 4 years of his life. He was a Godly man, and was very active and in demand to sit on the board by many Christian organisations such as the Bible House, Campus Crusade for Christ, the YMCA, St. Andrew's Cathedral and many more throught his 30 years of active service to Church and para Churches in Singapore.  

     My mother would have turned just turned 69, and she had retired from the Ministry of Health at just about that year. She was still extremely active in sports in the Swimming Club, and also helped out at her good friend's Shamini jazz ballet gym along Dunearn Road for a number of years. 

     The boys are 2 and 5 respectively, and my brother John was still a singleton. He married in June 2002. 

     Time goes on every swiftly like a flowing river. 

     Seize the Day


St Paul et Vence ; dining in the small alleyway up above all the towns

  A clear cloudless  blue sky ; pristine winter weather of 18  C,                 a spread of the best French veal and place There is a time...