Monday, August 15, 2016

Usain Bolt 100 m Legend

Once in 100 years - a legend, Usain Bolt 

The man they call Lightning Bolt has done it again, Usain Bolt, the fastest man on this planet has done it again. In the split 9.83 secs, he retained his Olympic Gold for the 100 m century sprint for the 3rd time, a feat unparalled in modern day sport. 

Some athletes have cheated in the past with doping, but Usain Bolt is a natural gifted athlete. Winning in its purest form, is the best way to show the world that Sports unifies us. It brings out the best in people, and everyone loves a winner.

But spare a thought for the remaining  7 in the finals (and the other 49 who did not make it in the heats, and semifinals) who raced alongside him, their decades long suffering, sacrifices and toils just to make it  to the pinnacle of world sporting arena. They go home knowing they have proudly represented their country and done in their eyes, their very best. 

The world needs more sports to unify us as one.  

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