Sunday, November 20, 2016

Incredible Egypt - 2009 memories

   At the ruins in Luxor. The Roman and Greek influence in the architecture is plain for all to see

Egypt is one country I will never tire of visiting, the river Nile, the longest river in Africa runs through it and entire towns and villages are built along its banks which remains the main focus for commerce, industry and tourism. Our tour in Dec 2009 began at Luxor, in the south, and we stayed 4 wonderful nights on the cruise ship Movenpick (yes, catering to many European tourists, I believe the ship was owned by the company).  

We visited Luxor, the Temples of Horus, Temple Hatsetshup, and went all the way down to Aswan Dam, thereon we flew up to Cairo and spent a couple of nights there, followed by a couple of nights at the port city of Alexandria. The entire country is a historical site, with numerous places to visit. Let me list them down :

a)  Nile Cruise
b)  Galabilya boat trip
c)  Luxor 
d)  Abu Simbel to visit the Ramses II statues
e)  Aswan dam
f)   Cairo 
g)  Giza pyramids (must go!)
h)  Alexandria port (Hard Rock Cafe !

Andrew with new friends Wing Sun and his brother Wing Onn  

It is my fervent wish to revisit Egypt one day and explore the temples, ruins and palaces which made Egypt the jewel of world, some 2500 years ago. One almost cannot believe the feats of engineering the ancient Egyptians achieved with only the human brain and hundreds of thousands of slaves. That era is surely over but the human effort to put all the piles of stone one piece at a time, using humans and primitive equipment boggles my mind.  

Some totally unforgettable sights and memories

1. Running 5 K along the Nile while the cruise ship was docked at night and I was hounded literally by the vendors crying Baksheesh or One Dollar to me to get me to buy their wares ranging from T shirts, Nile Pyramids and who knows what all made in China

2. Watching the young girls in the silk factory using their self mechanised machines to weave the carpets

3. Going up the Pyramids of Giza and watching with unbridled fascination the temple of the dead.

4. Haggling with the vendor at Novotel Hotel in our Hotel Lobby for a prized Pewter Card Container. He uttered "I dont know whether to sell this to you or hit you on the head !" when I offered him a ridiculous price and stuck by it all the way.

                                  Noel at the side of the Pyramids in Giza, outskirts of Cairo 

5. Having a beer with the tour guide Anna at the deck of the cruise ship. The contradiction in this scene is most apparent.

6. Watching with fascination when the vendors in their small boats at Aswan throw up their clothes for selling and we on the deck of the cruise ships send money down also by throwing the notes wrapped around coins as counterweights.

7. Riding the 'ship of the desert' or camels.

La Belle Egypt 

8. Eating at a Restaurant in Cairo and all around while we walk, the people ogle at us Asian tourists like we came from Mars

9. Having a snack and a drink at Hard Rock Cafe Alexandria where it seems like a European port city.

10. Going to the National Museum in Cairo and learning the history of all of the ancient Pharoahs, when we went to the toilets, when the place was empty, it was like any other toilet. Once the tourists came, the local people suddenly appeared out of nowhere and demanded "One Dollar" to enter the toilets. 

Talk about opportunism !!!! 

11. Looking at the Carsophogus of Tutankhamen II the Child Pharoah who died in his Teens. 

There are so many memories all good of Egypt that my  distinct wish is to visit this fascinating place at least once more in my lifetime.

Best Time to Visit Egypt

The best time to visit Egypt is Dec - Feb during the winter months as the nights get cool (around 15 deg C) and the days are not too hot, around 28 deg C maximum. Plus point is that the air is dry. 

Carpe Diem 


Pokemon Go is a No Go for Me.

This August (or was it September), the game Pokemon Go swept into Singapore. Overnight, the island was swamped with hundreds if not thousands of Catchers standing around doing the swipe thing to catch the Poke creature in their imaginery habitat which resembles the real life location. 

Mr. Chong with the legendary Pikachu

Once you have gotten the requisite catches, you advance to another level. There are some places of interest which have been designated as Pokemon Stops (? Pardon my French but I have no clue whatsoever these dingbats are doing in the name of 'fun').

Anyway my good friend Chong Ki Keong is a 7th level Master Poke player, so he graciously took this photo of me at the coffee shop called Whisk at Seng Poh Road, Tiong Bahru.

A Fad which will die off in no time. 

Gotta catch up on my Sleep.  

10 is the magic number for me.

Last Year's Timing ; 

This year 2016, I bid the Standard Chartered Marathon "adieu" as I have done my fill of Singapore marathons. It was the iconic race to end each year for me for the last 12 - 13 years. Except for a hiatus (break or rest) in 2006, 2008 and 2009. I have run all the rest (full marathons) since 2004. 9 in total. I also have done a unique 1st marathon in Penang (5 hours and 30 minutes) in 2003. 

Age is not a number, as the younger devil mare care people will say ; you need to take many precautions as we grow older, starting from age 35 onwards. Health, both mental and physical is increasingly more and more important as I watch what I eat, take the necessary health supplements and exercise regularly to sweat out the toxins from the body. I am shattered to see some of my friends in my Primary 1 cohort in St Andrews "no more" and it is a constant reminder never to take life, your family and your friends and business associates for granted. The journey is never the same for each individual, so live our lives well. 

My Gear before the Race ;
Power Gels, Isotonic Drinks, Salt Pills, Water Bottles, SalonPas Magic Spray, 1000 mile socks

I cycle much more nowadays, but it has its massive dangers too, so I time my rides at the daytime and when the roads are dry. In addition, I try to avoid main roads for fear of the accidents which are quite commonplace nowadays. Aging takes its toll on everyone, some earlier than others, so it is a prudent and wise person who exercises great self restraint when it comes to food, drink, smoking and avoiding the excessive lifestyle.

I thank God for my wonderful parents (my Mum would have turned 86 on 30th Nov and my Dad 96 on 23rd Nov). They are still very much in my (and my brother John's) heart whenever the Christmas and year end comes around.

C'est La Vie !   Profiter du Present ! 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Ken Shin Kai Club at Tanglin Community Club

Ken Shin Kai Karate Club has been in existence in Singapore since 1997. Our instructor in chief is 8th Dan Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah who is an SNOC Certified Coach. The Club has 2 dojos (schools), a kids only dojo at the National University Of Singapore Alumni Club at Kent Ridge and the main dojo at Tanglin Community Centre. 

I have been a member of the club since 2002 (15 years) and have seen its membership grow from 10 to over 50. The members are from all backgrounds and all nationalities.
The latest addition we have are a Japanese family of 4 who are very enthusiastic about the training.     

If there are people interested to join, our classes are every Sunday at 6pm to 7.30pm.
Do note, you need to sign up at the Community Centre Office for a term of 12 lessons which cost a very reasonable sum of $65.00. 

Grading (or tests) are conducted every 3 - 4 months depending on the ability and motivation of the trainees. To attain a black belt from the beginner (white) stage takes approximately 5 years of active participation. It is not a walk in the park but you can do it if you persevere.   

1 free lesson is offered to anyone who wants to have a try-out.  

Just come and have a go at one of the oldest and most respected martial art form, It is worth your time. You need to be reasonably fit (exercise at least 3 times a week) and people of ages 5 to 65 (I am not there yet!) are slogging it out week in and week out.

Our website is

Thursday, November 10, 2016

So How Now ? US has a President with zero experience in politics

Yesterday, Wednesday 9th Nov (9th November early morning USA), the people of the USA voted in  Donald Trump, the businessman with a hotel and entertainment empire spanning 3 continents. This while not totally unexpected, shocked many billions around the world, as the polling agencies (almost 90%) had their statistics and data thrown out the window in 24 hours. A total loss of credibility for many pollsters,traditional and mass media.  

All (except for maybe 2) voting polls were totally wrong, the people from the lowest rungs of society in USA, the disenfranchised, the people wanting change, the folks who in their hearts hated either candidate but voted for the lesser of 2 evils made their choice. At the end of a long, bruising with tremendous mudslinging and personal attacks, USA has the 45th President elect in the wings.

Many people who were not internet savvy, quietly went their way, answered the surveys
changed their minds at the last minute ? I don't think so, they voted for 'change' against the ruling executive.  

Many people in the country and aorund the world are shocked at the outcome, the established elites, the ordinary folk, the minorities, the millions of women he insulted, the list is endless. Yet he won.

So how now ?, we wait with bated breath what will come of this new era ?   


Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...