Sunday, November 20, 2016

10 is the magic number for me.

Last Year's Timing ; 

This year 2016, I bid the Standard Chartered Marathon "adieu" as I have done my fill of Singapore marathons. It was the iconic race to end each year for me for the last 12 - 13 years. Except for a hiatus (break or rest) in 2006, 2008 and 2009. I have run all the rest (full marathons) since 2004. 9 in total. I also have done a unique 1st marathon in Penang (5 hours and 30 minutes) in 2003. 

Age is not a number, as the younger devil mare care people will say ; you need to take many precautions as we grow older, starting from age 35 onwards. Health, both mental and physical is increasingly more and more important as I watch what I eat, take the necessary health supplements and exercise regularly to sweat out the toxins from the body. I am shattered to see some of my friends in my Primary 1 cohort in St Andrews "no more" and it is a constant reminder never to take life, your family and your friends and business associates for granted. The journey is never the same for each individual, so live our lives well. 

My Gear before the Race ;
Power Gels, Isotonic Drinks, Salt Pills, Water Bottles, SalonPas Magic Spray, 1000 mile socks

I cycle much more nowadays, but it has its massive dangers too, so I time my rides at the daytime and when the roads are dry. In addition, I try to avoid main roads for fear of the accidents which are quite commonplace nowadays. Aging takes its toll on everyone, some earlier than others, so it is a prudent and wise person who exercises great self restraint when it comes to food, drink, smoking and avoiding the excessive lifestyle.

I thank God for my wonderful parents (my Mum would have turned 86 on 30th Nov and my Dad 96 on 23rd Nov). They are still very much in my (and my brother John's) heart whenever the Christmas and year end comes around.

C'est La Vie !   Profiter du Present ! 

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