Sunday, November 20, 2016

Pokemon Go is a No Go for Me.

This August (or was it September), the game Pokemon Go swept into Singapore. Overnight, the island was swamped with hundreds if not thousands of Catchers standing around doing the swipe thing to catch the Poke creature in their imaginery habitat which resembles the real life location. 

Mr. Chong with the legendary Pikachu

Once you have gotten the requisite catches, you advance to another level. There are some places of interest which have been designated as Pokemon Stops (? Pardon my French but I have no clue whatsoever these dingbats are doing in the name of 'fun').

Anyway my good friend Chong Ki Keong is a 7th level Master Poke player, so he graciously took this photo of me at the coffee shop called Whisk at Seng Poh Road, Tiong Bahru.

A Fad which will die off in no time. 

Gotta catch up on my Sleep.  

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