Sunday, June 11, 2017

Che Part 2

      This is the second part of the Che Guevara Movie Che. Born Ernestito Guevara from an upper middle class family, "Che" refers to the formal name title like 'Mister' of any Argentinian during introductions. He was also referred to the title of 'Commandante' as the overall Commander of the Cuban Revolution. 

     This second parter shows how after the overthrow of the Batista Government, Che 'disappeared'. Watch the show and enjoy. 

     I do not own the rights of any part of the movie. 

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St Paul et Vence ; dining in the small alleyway up above all the towns

  A clear cloudless  blue sky ; pristine winter weather of 18  C,                 a spread of the best French veal and place There is a time...