Sunday, September 9, 2018

Thoughts during Hard Run 28th April 2018 Saturday 10.20 am

2013 SC Marathon with 10 m to Go ! (throwback photo)

These random thoughts went through my mind during a tough run on Saturday 28th April, I wanted to record them down for posterity to remind myself and my readers the number of emotions and thoughts flash through my mind. 

The net takeaway is that : "Running makes me feel alive !"

Another Year Another Marathon ! 

So here Goes :

Body pushed to the Limit
Sun's Incessant Rays on my skin  (in caps for effect)
White Shades Cover my Eyes and Brows
Headwind Pushing my body 
Press On ! I say ti my 55 year old frame, 
On the return leg I will have tailwind ! 

Each km the pace is incessant
6:54,6:35,6:45 the numbers run through my head
Average pace : 6: 36 / km
Fastest pace : 5 : 25 / km
HR goes up from 72 to 161 to 171 
Cadence of 83 ; maximum 88
I feel I am 25 again as I rush pass 
The strollers,the casual runners, the prams
Kids on tricycles, elderly on a jaunt.

Time stands still..God gives me the third eye :)
Everything is crystal clear.
I reach the 4km mark.
Pumped out of air.
I stop and gaze at the azure blue sea.

I walk to the nearby toilet for a pee break
See some guys on a corrective work order
Donning black polos and their silver tongs
One guy gives me a wan smile.

Still Smiling at 42 km 

The return leg is On !
I push again like there is no tomorrow 
My heart goes beating like crazy
Average heart rate of 172 and max of 180.
109% above my supposed max.
I am feeling superhuman !
Calories burnt 410 kcal
I am running on empty
Did not eat breakfast just water and off I went

Average pace 6 : 58 per km on the back 4
Max 6: 08 / km 
I am tiring
Press On ! says my mind
ECP is pretty flat but my guess of a tailwind was a pipedream
Nothing, except hot air greets my lungs on my return
I am speeding from tree cover to tree cover
The heat is blistering now

Average Lap is 6 :57.8 per km
Best Lap is 6 : 41. 8 per km
The numbers are flashing like lights in front my my eyes
I tear off my running vest
I am short of breath
Hookahkay ! I am onto overdrive and running on plain adrenalin
Every laboured breath, every ache of my body, every bead of sweat
Sends me this message every time 

                                                "Today I am so alive !!!!"

                                                          Carpe Diem !!! 

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