Sunday, September 29, 2019

Wolves back to winning ways ; after 7 games finally a win in the Premier League

Wolves have had the most cumbersome of starts, as they were first involved in the Asia Premier League trophy, which they won beating Man City on Penalties. They then played 6 (yes 6) games before the start of the Premier League proper for the Europa Cup qualifiers and started the Premier League beginning August. Its no wonder that their small squad of players are looking jaded.

I am thankful that finally they have gotten off the starting blocks with 4 draws and 2 losses before this one, they had better sharpen their game with the new guys being thrown into the mix. Leicester (A) Draw ; Man Utd (H) Draw ; Burnley (H) Draw ; Everton (A) Loss ; Chelsea (H) Loss ; Palace (A) Draw ; Watford (H) Win - Finally. 

Its going to be a long and tough season. And only the best, the most willing, the most talented and the strongest will survive. 

Neto, Jordao, Kilman, Cutrone are being given their baptisms and Gibbs White is a regular, we are going to stress test the team going forward. To rely on the ever dominant front 2 of Jiminez and Jota is frankly asking too much, so it was with much relief that Doherty scored the opener and the second was created by Gibbs White for Watford to concede and own goal.

Midweek there is the second game with Bestikas and the weekend will be super challenging with Man City in the oppostion. 

Game On ! Lets see what the Wolves are made of !!  

Monday, September 9, 2019

SA Old Boys Dinner 2019

Sat 7th September ; School Hall 

This year saw about 2 tables of our class of '78 attend the school dinner. We shared old jokes, old stories which we never tire of hearing and compared the different teachers who taught us. Yes, the 'old boys network' never dies. Its as strong as ever. 

Compared to the 'boys' in their 70s we are the young 'chikus' or the beige fruit which is common in the tropics. However to many of our children's generation, we are fasting approaching the young old. 60 would be the mid old.

Scary propostion, but what can we do ? We can never reverse aging but we can try to leave a good mark where we went before and hopefully our children and those lives we have touched can truly benefit from our experiences, failings and successes.

My form teacher Mr. Victor Wee

As the world is ever so uncertain, there are multiple challenges facing us in the near term. Climate change and the carbon emissions is ever imminent, if we do nothing and continue in this pace of 'development' with deforestation and ever more CO2 being emitted into the environment, we will hit the tipping point of an extra 2 deg C and we will be facing the awesome tasks of melting polar ice caps ; submerged cities and ever more unpredictable weather patterns.

Mankind has been the most successful yet most destructive animal on this beautiful Earth.

We must change our ways.     

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Before the Flame Dies

At Raffles Place Robinsons, circa 1964 

Today I received news that one of my dear friends was gravely ill. I had not seen him for almost 6 months and I thought nothing was amiss when he sent me some Whatsapp message last month to meet for coffee, when I was on a business trip to Thailand. He is a Singapore PR and married to a local lady. 

Today he sent me a chilling message ; he was gravely ill and my immediate thoughts and prayers went out to his young daughter and Singapore wife. He is a very clever businessman and ventured into many industries from the music in the 80s to early 2000s to engineering and then finally dabbling in the food business. He is currently in Europe seeking medical treatment and my thoughts and hopes are with his doctors and his family for them to stay strong during this crisis. 

My post today is to reflect on how suddenly things can turn for the worse at any time, and then we rue the times we missed to truly live life. This was the prime motivation for me to start this blog and I am happy to say that 13 years on, I am still at it, writing my views on life from my perspective as a small businessperson in a small island, as a father, friend, colleague,acquaintence and a right pain in the ass to some people.

Carpe Diem in Latin means to seize the day. Everyone reaches the end of his or her life. Some go earlier, some later. No ifs, no buts and definately no perhaps.The lucky ones go in their sleep, many will have illnesses with which they have to battle to the bitter end. How we end is not in our control. It never was, and never will be. 

Before the Flame Dies

Run old man in the pouring rain
Gasp in Air again,again 
Climb each summit with every step you take
See the magnificence which He had to make

Take time to be with your beautiful bride
Think of the tasks you did side by side
Laugh at our earnestness, our inner pain
One day we will never be here again

Go afar and meet old friends
Lets reminisce and be young again
Chide each other for our childish views
Let them know that we were once young fools. 
Soak again in those glorious rays
That once we took for granted oh so far aways
Run, jump  crawl and slide
We were there first, by the by. 

Lets eat the things we had when young
Laksa, Kway Teow and See Hum
Visit the field where we had our fun 
Hantam Bola, boys run,run run ! 
As the Flame glows ever weaker still
Poise ourselves for whatever, we will
Hold our heads high, you, me and them
For we once ruled here, Carpe Diem !  


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Da Shi Jia Big Prawn Noodle Just Hits the Right Notes

My bill came to just under $14 dollars for a big bowl of prawn noodles and Lime Juice with 

Today I ventured along Killiney Road and I found this gem of a foodplace, its signboard is in Chinese but it reads Da Shi Jia Da Da Xia Mian or Big Eating House Big Big Prawn Noodles.

Run by a young and enterprising couple in their late 20s, the coffeshop located at 89 Kiliney Road is hard to miss. Just park you car at the Killiney Court Hotel and then walk the rest of the way. It is along the second block of shophouses and it is advisable to go before noon if you do not want to stand and wait for a table.

The coffeeshop seats about 30 maximum so its advisable to go either before 12 or after 1.30 if you want to avoid the crowds of office workers on weekdays.  

There are 3 sizes on offer for the Prawn Noodle and the idiot proof menu shows anyone how to order ; The small size one costs S$ 6.80, the mid range one (I ordered that) ,which is good enough as a main dish for 1 person, costs $ 9.80 and the super big prawns noodle costs $13.80.

When my bowl came, it had 3 partly shelled prawns, a generous serving (maybe 4 - 5 pieces) of pork loin, fried shallots, some kang kong vegetable and yello noodels swimming in a thick and very tasty broth. (The broth must have been cooked for several hours with prawn heads thrown in to give that extra flavour).  

There are 2 types of noodles, the wet soupy one, or the dry one. I opted for the wet soupy one and I can safely say, that ever since I came here to eat about 2 months ago, each visit has been VERY SATISFYING for my craving for soupy dishes.

The waxy paper at the side of the table is good to place the discarded prawn shells once you have deshelled them. I also liberally use the chilli powder and add that to the soup.

My review (as far as prawn noodles go)

Food :  4.8 / 5

Really hits the spot for me, just nice taste, broth is very flavourful and not with much MSG.
The yellow rice noodles (Sit Mee as they are called) is nice and springy - almost Al Dente style. The prawns are big and fresh, red and juicy to the bite. The pork loin is thick and cut bite sized, and the soup is perfect ; I have not tried many others which hit the right notes with me so far this year.

Ambience : 3.8 / 5

Go early, and take your time to try the other side dishes like Ngoh Hiang (Pork and Prawn Fried  Dumplings). Its so good its sinful. The place is clean and airy, with the kitchen area conveniently sealed off with strong exhaust ducting out to the back so the dining area is airy and relatively cool.

Price         :  4.2  / 5 

For the quality of the food, its well worth 2 bowls anywhere else ; most prawn noodles sell for $5 or so at the food centres.

Service    : 4. 2 / 5

Prompt, and friendly, there are more than enough staff to attend to you, especially during the off peak times when I do go and get my fix.

Overall :  4.25 / 5  ;  Very Satisfying for Noodle Soup 

Will I visit again ?  Yes Definately 

Da Shi Jia Da Da Xia Mian
89 Killiney Road (Shophouse located in the middle block)
Singapore 239534

Nearest MRT : Somerset (10 minutes approx. walk to the place). 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Piazza Duomo Milano - Dec 3rd 2017 (Sunday)

This was taken on 3rd December (Sunday) 2017, at the Piazza Duomo ; the weather was typical of Winter (about 3 - 5 deg C) with some wind chill. However, the skies were clear and the shopping arcade beside the Duomo would be packed with visitors from the world over.See the marble arches just as I pan to the left of the Duomo Basilica. 

Leornardo Da Vinci spent some time here, as did Michelangelo and the rest of the renaissance artists, for this and Florence were the places to be and some of their finest works are located here and in Florence.

Da Vinci's famous Last Supper  fresco (painted on the wall) is located at Santa Maria delle Grazie chapel. The monastery was a traditional one for refectories although the room was not a refectory at the time when Leonardo painted it.

Rumour has it that during the 2nd World War, the chapel and its surroundings was amazingly spared the worst of the bombings hence this priceless work of art could be viewed by millions thereafter.  

Milan is a fashionable city, all the top fashion brands have their large boutiques there, so rest assured that the trendy, wealthy and gawking tourists will make a beeline for the high end boutique shops there. 

View from the Top of St Peter's Basilica in Rome December 2017

One of the most unforgettable memories I had was climbing to the top of St Peter's Basilica in Rome, walking through the narrow maze of some 150 odd steep steps and taking in some of the most wonderful scenes of all of Rome. 

The image of all the Saints and Apostles below us and the throng of the thousands of people in the main square are some of the wonderful memories I had of that time.   

December 2017 ; Beautiful winter's day, slightly overcast, a little drizzly.

Perfecto, as the Italians would say. 


Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...