Monday, September 9, 2019

SA Old Boys Dinner 2019

Sat 7th September ; School Hall 

This year saw about 2 tables of our class of '78 attend the school dinner. We shared old jokes, old stories which we never tire of hearing and compared the different teachers who taught us. Yes, the 'old boys network' never dies. Its as strong as ever. 

Compared to the 'boys' in their 70s we are the young 'chikus' or the beige fruit which is common in the tropics. However to many of our children's generation, we are fasting approaching the young old. 60 would be the mid old.

Scary propostion, but what can we do ? We can never reverse aging but we can try to leave a good mark where we went before and hopefully our children and those lives we have touched can truly benefit from our experiences, failings and successes.

My form teacher Mr. Victor Wee

As the world is ever so uncertain, there are multiple challenges facing us in the near term. Climate change and the carbon emissions is ever imminent, if we do nothing and continue in this pace of 'development' with deforestation and ever more CO2 being emitted into the environment, we will hit the tipping point of an extra 2 deg C and we will be facing the awesome tasks of melting polar ice caps ; submerged cities and ever more unpredictable weather patterns.

Mankind has been the most successful yet most destructive animal on this beautiful Earth.

We must change our ways.     

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