Thursday, June 25, 2020

Doing My Part to Raise Awareness about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short.

I was nominated and took up the challenge from a friend, Peter Tan, based in Perth Australia to do 25 push ups for a total of 25 days with the goal of raising awareness about this disease which afflicts about 40% of the adult population at some time of their lives. Trauma and extreme stress is present in people's lives and how we cope as well as recover from it is crucial for our day to day functioning as individuals, and well as responsibilities we have thrust upon us as adults.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short is a neurological disorder (brain disorder) which is triggered by an event or a series of events which are traumatic on the person inflicted. These events can range from the following :

a) Death of a loved one, child, sibling or parent
b) Marriage dissolution
c) Job loss
d) War
e) Accident resulting in major injury
f)  Business failure etc.

Classical symptoms observed in the individual  are :

a) Insomnia or bad sleep
b) Depressed mood
c) Loss of appetite
d) Anxiety attacks
It is therefore good for us to be aware of the warning signs and take action by seeking medical and professional help. GPs are well positioned to recommend you to  psychiatric clinics in hospitals for further assessment,medication and counselling.

Early intervention is very important to the ultimate treatment, management and cure for this disease.

If you spot these symptoms, please see a doctor and seek professional help.In Singapore, you can contact the following :

1. SOS Singapore
Tel : 1800 - 221 4444

2. Institute of Mental Health
Tel : 6389 2000 

They have experienced professionals to help you.  



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