Thursday, June 4, 2020

What Values Made Singapore what it is today - answer from Mr. LKY

I am currently listening to an amazing audiotape of the book Up Close with Singapore's 1st Prime Minister after separation, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew.

When asked in the late '80s about what made Singapore what it was then and now (I would assume) he simply stated these 4 values ; so simple yet so profound :

1. Good Governance.

2. Meritocracy

3. Anti-Corruption

4. Pragmatism.

In 4 points, he encapsulated so brilliantly Singapore "TODAY" to the person who asked him point blank.

A foreign reporter.

Singapore was very blessed and ridiculously fortunate to have such a leader of immense stature, iron will and vision.  

We should not let his legacy down. 

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