Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What's My Ikigai ? What's your Ikigai ?

Ikigai is the Japanese term referring to the raison d"etre. It is the reason for a person's existence. It is coined from a Japanese term which basically means the reason a person gets up in the morning. "What drives me ?" or "Why am I alive today ?" "Why am I in this world today ? ",

"Is there a reason for my existence ?"

The question of my existence in this earth for all of its complications, challenges, struggles, pain, suffering, happiness, joy, satisfaction, adrenalin rush surge of optimism and ennui (lack of enthusiasm) has always been the most difficult question I have had to answer. It is the same for many people who have the cognizant awakening one day to find out - hey, is that it ? 

Do I make a difference ? If not, then what is my life worth if it does not enrich anybody except myself and my partner ? That would be utterly selfish, though many people either never give it a second thought and pursue self satisfaction in terms of monetary accumulation. There are those who are unfortunate in the hand of life, or have some health affliction and have different paths to go. Logically, people seek to question the unfairness of life. Why is life so unfair ? 

The reality as far as I am concerned, is that it is not fair. So, this means that there is no logic to life some of the time, though we utilise logic and adopt rules in our lives, our society and respect and adhere to these rules.

We attach logical patterns to create formulas to decipher the forces, and directions of the physical. Science has and always will be a self correcting and self improving subject. One day the entire planet will be ruled by logic, artificial intelligence, and it would be a sad day when that comes, for human beings for all their frailities, and failings will be then relegated to mere disposable entities.

Man is never born equal. It is a harsh reality of life, in times past, present and in the future. We have to make the best with whatever shortcomings (its all in our perception) that our life throws at us (yes sometimes shit hits me in the face) and face up to it.

To deny my situation is a choice sometimes I never made. So I cannot change the past but the future whatever is left of it, I need to look at it squarely in the eye and make something good out of it. I may never achieve some of my lofty goals, but I will give it my 110 % and at the end of life, I will say, 

" I did my very best in everything I undertook and I seized the day. "

Regrets ? Probably there will be.

Satisfaction : absolutely as I would make my path to be a life well lived.

Legacy : It is still a work in progress.I am not dead yet. 

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.. "  

Robert Herrick 





Friday, September 18, 2020

QRA's Installation in University of Canberra's Sports Research Center in 2018 ;


This is one of our standout installations which QRA International did for overseas market. This one is the Temperature, Humidity and Altitude Control Room in Canberra, Australia in 2018.

The video shows where the remote controller is placed, and inside the room are the rows of test cycle machines for the athletes as well as at the far end, there is the cooling and humidification unit which dispenses with the heat, humidity to attain temperature ranges from 18 deg C to 50 C, and humidity from 20 to 80%.

Please contact me at mark@qra.com.sg if you have any further questions or interest in procuring an athletic chamber like this one, or want to know more.

Carpe Diem ! 


Want to Set up an QRA Laboratory ? We Offer Consultancy and Advice. Send your enquiry to mark@qra.com.sg and we will respond to you promptly !


How is This Done in Factories ? What Equipment are Used to Assure Quality Products are made in the Factory ?


Product Quality Assurance. What is It ? What is its Definition ?



Product Quality Assurance 

What is It Exactly ? 

It is the Way of Preventing Defects or Errors In Manufactured Products which calls for several techniques and tests to be conducted satisfactorily before they can be certified to comply to a certain


Digital Marketing for Beginners ; 7 Strategies that Work


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Welcome to Wolves ; Marcal


Smashing Start to the 2020 - 2021 EPL Season ; Sheffield 0 Wolves 2


This is Wolves 3 season in the Premier League. With the departure of Matt Doherty, the big news for Wolves has been the extension of Cocah Nuno Esperito Santo's contract till 2023. This is excellent news ! 

In came in 3 starlets, Fabio Silva for 35 million pounds and 2 others from Porto. The Portuguese contingent has grown to 8 in the Wolves squad boasting of  11   internationals.


1. Rui Patricio
2. Reuben Neves
3. Pedro Neto (Under 21)
4. Dioho Jota
5. Joao Moutinho

1. Jonny Otto
2. Adama Traore

1. Conor Coady

1. Romain Saiss

1. Leander Dendonker

1. Raul Jiminez

Another interesting statistic, is that the first game for Wolves the past 2 seasons reulted in a loss to Leicester (away) ) 0 - 2 and a draw to Leicester at home 0 - 0. So this year is the third time lucky against a superb Sheffield side. Wolves emerged winners 2 - 0 at Bramall Lane.

I can't wait for the next 5 - 6 games and see where Nuno's dream will take us.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Price Elasticity and Inelasticity. Total Revenue Test


Pardon my basic economics but I am in the "Back to School' mode, so every chance I get to understand economics better will ultimately lead me to understand the world around me, and the reasons for the way things are.

Part of this desire is to understand from the school of Life, why some companies do so well, and what strategies they employ to get there in the first place.

There are essentially 5 'P's of successful marketing, and they are :

a) Price (currency and now Ecurrency)
b) Place (distribution channels)
c) Promotion (now ECommerce)
d) Position (how high up the Value chain your product is)
d) Prodcut (What is the Unique Selling Proposition of your product in the global marketplace).

Having put all these factors into place, the excellent execution of a well thought out business plan followed by Luck, enough cash reserves and the decision to continue after the initial loss or setback determines whether the company and hence its products do actually survive the first years and thrive in ever changing market conditions.

Whoever is well exeprienced with the existing marketplace better be forewarned, the going forward is going to be very very tricky !



Friday, September 4, 2020

Kara Step


One of my favorite K Pop groups which disbanded in 2015, Kara. There was a tragic ending when Goo Hara the lead dancer and singer committed suicide in 1 year ago 2019, all of 27 years of age. Her best friend Sully did the same thing just 6 months before and it just goes to show how merciless the world of top level entertainment it is for the artistes. They can't have a 'normal' life and have very few friends as their performance schedules are punishing and soul destroying.

Behind all the happy smiles were ordinary young women, girls more like who are subjected to military training, regimental schedules, dining and drinking and socialising was practically non existent. A very sad existence, the price of reaching the pinnacle of their glamorous industry.   

Goo Hara, rest in peace. You are missed. 

Your artistry and music will live on for a long long time to come. 

Below is another hit of Kara Mamma Mia 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

September Musings - My 2020 Resolutions and How I am Doing so Far ; 3 quarters of the year gone.

The year 2020 is 3 / 4 over. It has been super - extraordinarily overshadowed by the COVID - 19 Pandemic, so much so that most of our lives have been taken over by new ways of doing business, health monitoring, social norms, dining directives, massive travel restrictions and this whole new concept of Contact Tracing which in theory is an affront to citizen's right to privacy of movement and so on. 

I wont dwell on the current elephant in the room, as it is already being discussed on every coffeshop corner, restaurants, Whataspp and whatever social media portals ad nauseum.

This September, I am going to review my own goals which I set at the beginning of 2020 and see whether I am on track or hopelessles way off track. Most of the below resolutions are business related, so it is quite satisfying to see I am hitting most of my resolution goals.

1. Say 'No' more effectively.  

I am 80% there. Yes means yes to an appointment, and it must be worth both my and my agreed other person's time. If I have to cancel an appointment, I do so and explain and apologise for my oversight. 

2. Be on Time 

A big 100% 'Yes'. This goes hand in hand with resolution 1 above. I try not to please too many people because in the end, the situation displeases everyone especially me. So limit my appointments to 2 a day. Estimate the time to travel, and give myself an additional 15 minutes more beforehand. It gives so much more ease to everyone concerned. 

3.Honor what I say

This is being mindful and shutting up ever so often. If I have nothing of value to add to the conversation, I will not say much and only speak when I can back up my committment with action. Else I shut up. 

4. Lose 3 kg and Keep it There

I am happy to say I am on my way there. At the mid point of this year, I was a heavy 75 kg. Now I am easily 73 kg. Must perpetually remind myself that to lose weight is a privilege.

5. Manage Money Better

I am cutting out the excesses (food, clothes, new stuff) in my life. My wallet feels so much less pressure and I am lighter in mind and spirit.

6. Be a Better Swimmer

No. Still stuck at this. I was a school swimmer and participated at the National Championships way back in the 1970s. So I can swim. And well. But I need to persist to get better at swimming and ensuring that my muscles get their full exercise and conditioning. Running only stretches one set of muscles, and cross training with karate another set of muscles. So swimming is the last of the exercise skills I am still stuck at Base 1

7. Be a Better Piano Player

OK. Again. I am still a non starter. Played piano in school, was trained to Grade 8 and passed Grade 7. So again I am not a novice at this. I need to better discipline my time to maintain this passion of mine so that this activity can occupy me in my later years. 

Hoo Hah !  I did my part to raise awareness of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder amongst people (especially Men) and here is my video from June and July 2020. 

Taylor Swift - Delicate


Debt to Equity Ratio ; the Higher the D / E, the more leveraged the company is. Ideally lower the number the better


Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...