Saturday, October 3, 2020

3rd October 2020 ; 8.02 km run at East Coast Parkway. 53 minutes 12 seconds. Average speed : 6 mins 37 secs


Today's run was unique for me for several reasons :

I am nearing my 58th birthday and having seen a number of my friends succumb to illness, I am determined to make the most of my life as meaningfully as possible to me. As such, I need to invest in my health, so that I can achieve my Ikigai within the next 5 to 10 years.

6 weeks ago I embarked on a slimming programme, and I am happy to report that the results are starting to show. To date, I have lost and kept it at the new weight level of 3 kg, thus far.

My goal is to lose 5 - 6 kg and keep it there. So my end weight and maintained, will be 70 to 71 kg. At the current level, my weight is hovering around 73 kg nett. 

For my height of 1.71 m, that would translate to a Body Mass Index of 24.2 which is still in the Overweight range but I am happy with that long term weight.

The food and drinks which would have to be taken very sparingly would be 

a) Alcohol (beer in particular)
b) Carbohydrates (bread, rice, all kinds of chips, pasta)
c) Chocolates
d) Ice cream
e) Most delicacies of the respective seasons : (bak kwa, lap cheong, log cakes, rice dumplings, mooncakes, kueh kuehs so on and so forth).

The health supplement program has me feeling more refreshed, much better sleep, good skin tone, good muscle tone, memory alertness and muscle recovery.

It has indeed given me a good 10 years of life rewinding ; I am a sceptic when it comes to supplements but I am the first to say, I was wrong on this one.

Testament to the results of 6 weeks of supplements, my running has taken me to a new level altogether and for the first time in a long while I am logging very fast speeds and longer distances. 

Curious ?

Perhaps in another post.  

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