Friday, December 25, 2020

Fast Run Pandan Reservoir 23rd Dec 2020 7.50 am


Wednesday 23rd Dec 2020, I did a run at Pandan Reservoir early morning (for me anyway), and the video above is testimony of an excellent run, averaging 6 minutes 17 seconds. A feat, for me never accomplished in the last 3 years. I am so pleased with this time, I am sharing with all the readers here.

The health supplements have given me a 10 year lease or boost of my life, as far as my running performance is concerned. No doubt, I am already in the young old category, but I believe with the following :

a) eating right
b) sleep enough
c) exercise plenty
d) water aplenty
e) stress under control
f) good relationships with the people that matter.

I am able to delay the effects of aging as much as possible.

In the next post, I will reveal the health supplements on this blog, for the purposes of sharing my program and journey thus far. 

Carpe Diem. 


Merry Christmas Family and Friends


Monday, December 21, 2020

The Journey is the Reward in Life


We do things which impact people either in a good or a bad way. I hope that my life will ultimately impact people in a positive way so that they themselves can be a good influence to the other people around them. Yesterday I received my coaching certificate from Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah, 8th Dan Shitoryu Karate sensei. With this Certificate, and together with the First Aid Certificate, in theory I (together with another karate practioner Jason Chua), can offer our services at Community Centers for the betterment of health, discipline, martial arts, and general well being of everyone young and old.

Karate is a way of life, a philosophy first and foremost, and secondly a means to conduct oneself honorably in everyday life, through respect for seniors, courtesy in executing defence and offensive moves and respect for the human spirit or 'Budo'. 

As each year passes by, I am humbled by the fact that I am so ignorant of so many things in this world. I can only play my small part to enrich the people around me, and I hope to leave a positive impact to the people that matter as my legacy.

The journey for me in life is the experience I gain and through all of life's sorrows, joys, excitement, anger, anguish, nervousness, I know that this life is to be experienced by me alone.  

Let me remember not to fall prey to the 7 deadly sins, rather work towards a goal of a better tomorrow for with hope, I can then face the future confidently. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

To be extremely successful, get out of your comfort zone, NOW

Mum the Girl Guide Leader with K. Byrne

This post is not my own, but I read this blog article which I found to be extremely insightful to me, and  I have implemented some of it currently with my life. I respectfully cite Steve Wohlenhaus, CEO of Weatherology who is both an author, a podcast host, as well as an entrepreneur for the main points, and I will put in my own personal efforts to achieve these ends :

"Do one thing everyday that scares you.These small things that make us uncomfortable help us to build the courage to do the work we need to do" 

Elanor Roosevelt.

Here are 10 things we can practice NOW to push outside of your / my comfort zone :

Rise and Shine (1)

Get up as early as you can (I know the nightbirds will disagree till the end of time), and do the most important thing that needs to be done for the day, week, month or longer. Working out business and life goals, bill payments, cashflow, critical decisions are all best done first thing in the morning. 

I also force myself to change my 'state of mind' especially during those dreary mornings. I will take a cold shower, rain or shine. Luckily Singapore's weather doesn't dip below 23 deg C, but even then I thank all my lucky stars I am alive, cognitively sharp, have my health, family,friends and where I am. Be grateful. Everyday.

Be on Time (2)

Fix appointments with people who mean the most to you at any time of your life.Your doctor, your lawyer, your parents, your spouse, good friends, children, business associates, casual acquaintences,most importantly your customers. Manage the time to be on time. Always say 'No' early if for some reason, you cannot make the appointment, or there are too many already pressing appointments on the day of the meeting. You can always reschedule. 

Walk the Talk (3)

Mean what you say and say what you mean. Be clear and direct in thought, word and deed.

Focus (4)

I have set clear and measurable goals for my business and life. Staying the course, not being distracted by some 'new fads' such as yoyo diets, new 'toys'  (handphones, electronic gadgets etc) takes a lot of self discipline.

Assess and take stock, realistically of life every 6 months. 

Check your physical and mental health. 

Assess your financial status

Go for classes - even after 55 years on ; grow both in mind, spirit as we know the body is slowly declining. 

I plan on learning way till my twilight years. 

Give (5)

I try to help within my means. The bible states 10% of your earned income goes to help the needy. Give in terms of time, talent, and earned income. You will be richer in spirit for it. 

Communicate (6)

Reach out and link up with people. You and I do not know everything there is to know in the world. What is one brain compared to the collective know how of 5 or 10 or more ? 

Everyone contributes and the more you meet, the more you grow from their shared experiences.

Make New Friends.(7)

It tough, but there must be a will to meet and understand more about the world we live in. Through meeting more and more people, we can experience and learn new things. We learn also through the senses of sight, smell, listening and intuition amongst others. If we can use all the 5 senses of our lives, we will find life so much more stimulating !

Listen  (8)

When the eyes grow weary, we listen. Always look first, then listen. Sometimes its best to just shut your eyes and the message is even more clear because the mode of transmission is best received through various means.

No (9)

Say No effectively, and often. At this time and age, we move to the beat of our own rythym, not anybody else's and it feels so empowering.

Act - Tremendous Discipline (10)

There is good reason why many people don't exercise regularly.Why most new businesses fail. Why people struggle to save and gain financial freedom. Its hard and requires tremendous discipline. There are classes which teach people to be at the top 1% in both physical and financial worlds. 

To be extraordinary, we need to ACT decisively on our dreams.

"I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable" Jim Morrison.

The late Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew was one such individual. He had a tremendous vision for Singapore. He shook up the entire system, and put the country on the global map. We need that type of discipline in our lives. 

Being comfortable is not the path toward personal excellence.Being comfortable leads to regret and mediocrity, and ultimately your view of the world will be tainted by realising that you have led a 'blah' life.

Do you really want that ?

Challenge yourself. Rise Up and get Uncomfortable. Set Goals and take them NOW ! 



Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...