Monday, December 21, 2020

The Journey is the Reward in Life


We do things which impact people either in a good or a bad way. I hope that my life will ultimately impact people in a positive way so that they themselves can be a good influence to the other people around them. Yesterday I received my coaching certificate from Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah, 8th Dan Shitoryu Karate sensei. With this Certificate, and together with the First Aid Certificate, in theory I (together with another karate practioner Jason Chua), can offer our services at Community Centers for the betterment of health, discipline, martial arts, and general well being of everyone young and old.

Karate is a way of life, a philosophy first and foremost, and secondly a means to conduct oneself honorably in everyday life, through respect for seniors, courtesy in executing defence and offensive moves and respect for the human spirit or 'Budo'. 

As each year passes by, I am humbled by the fact that I am so ignorant of so many things in this world. I can only play my small part to enrich the people around me, and I hope to leave a positive impact to the people that matter as my legacy.

The journey for me in life is the experience I gain and through all of life's sorrows, joys, excitement, anger, anguish, nervousness, I know that this life is to be experienced by me alone.  

Let me remember not to fall prey to the 7 deadly sins, rather work towards a goal of a better tomorrow for with hope, I can then face the future confidently. 

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