Saturday, February 6, 2021

Debates '86 - My teammates


from left : Me,Richard Pereira, Philip Lim, Reserve Sukhdeep, Jaspal Sidhu 

This is the victorious NTI debating team which garnered 1st Runner Up at the 1986 Tertiary Institutions Televised Debates (on SBC channel 12) . We had triumphed in the QuaterFinals, beating the National Institute of Education (NIE, now the teachers faculty of NUS). In the Semi-Finals, we beat the NUS Team 1 debating team (comprising of 4 law undergraduates) and we faced the NUS Team 2, the 'star' team of the National University of Singapore - again featuring 4 star undergraduate lawyers.

Our team comprised of yours truly, Richard Pereira, Philip Lim Feng, and Jaspal Singh Sidhu.

For the record, we were the First Runner Up in the entire series, and Philip Lim was the Best Speaker of the Night and Jaspal Singh, the best speaker of the entire series !. 

Recently I had a check on how my ex-team mates were doing and I was pleasantly surprised that they are all very successful in their own spheres. I am considered the 'underperformer" !

Richard Pereira - he was an SAF Air Force Scholar, who rose to the rank of Brigadier General and now runs a vibrant consultancy firm advising the aerospace industry.     

Philip Lim Feng - he also was an SAF scholar, rose to the rank of Brigadier General, became the head of Singapore Foods Industry and is now CEO of Exploit Teachnologies, an AStar company dedicated to commercialising AStar developed pantented products.

Jaspal Singh Sidhu - he is currently the CEO of SIS International School in Jakarta, and the largest private International School in whole of Indonesia.

My heartiest congratulations to my ex-debating mates !

I am so motivated to make a name for myself too ! I hope I am not too late.  

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