Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Happiness is Transient Alright ; but it sure makes the evening most pleasant - even for a couple of hours


Some days I am "in the zone". When I am "in the zone ", I really am able to focus and make the most of logic, deduction, elimination and some experienced guess work as to where to put certain numbers based on a 50 / 50 probability chance that I would get it right. Well tonight, I have 'gotten lucky' and the 50 / 50 chance of putting the number "7" on the mid square bottom left corner turned out to be the 'ace in the hole'

So I am really happy for this small victory. It doesn't mean a thing to anybody else than to me, as I realise that my cognitive and deductive capabilities are still there.

Tomorrow will be another day, and I will have to be ready for the challenges of the day and the week ahead.

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