Sunday, May 22, 2022

QRA International provides Accelerated Aging Services for Medical Devices

 Test using the Best, QRA Environmental Test Chambers are Best in Class for their Value.

This post is a pitch for the company which I founded and am proud of. QRA International has been in existence for 19 years to the day, and we currently have 5 business units which are distinct and generating income. At the moment, we are seeking investors and interested parties for joint venture and capital fund raising for future expansion.

The 5 business units are :

1. Environmental Test Chambers  

                                       Walk - In Chamber for Automotive

This market is global, and the brand we provide is very established. QRA International provides high quality and decently priced test chambers for a myriad of industries for example :

a) Manufacturing

b) Medical

                                    Temperature and Humidity Chamber QRS 600 - 40 

                                        used for Medical Accelerated Aging Tests 

c) Pharmaceutical

d) Semiconductor

                                 QRA Chamber for Clean Room Environment

e) Automotive

f) General Electronics 

g) Aerospace and Defence 

to name just 7 key industries.

2.Athletic Chambers. 

We are one of only  4 manufacturers in the world and can supply chamber to test humans or elite athletes in controlled environments from 

- 20 C to +50 C

RH : 10 - 98 %

CO2 control : able to control down to below 800 ppm in a room with up to 10 athletes exercising vigorously for 2 hours at a stretch. We do this by using scrubbers or filters which take out the CO2 and very effectively too.

                        Athletic Chamber Room in University of Canberra Sports Research 2018

O2 : can control Oxygen levels up to 5000 m or 11.5% O2. Traditionally sea level oxygen is 20.9%, so we can simulate up to 3 / 4th of Mount Everest O2 which is deemed as very 'thin' air. This way, the athlete can condition himself / herself by training in these challenging atmospheres, and when competition comes, his / her performance will be enhanced by up to 30% !


             The Athlete chamber in Aspire Hospital in Doha Qatar (commisisoned in 2017)


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