Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Happy 57th Singapore ; My 5 wishes for the country


As we celebrate and reflect as our sovereign nation, Singapore turns 57 today, I have the following wishes for our country.

1. Racial and Religious Harmony  - 9.5 out of 10 (Well Done !)

Our ruling party for the last 57 years the PAP should be commended on this. We have a truly harmonious racial and religious tolerant country thanks to their far sighted policies in ensuring public housing and  schools have quotas for all ethnicities. Though the policies are not perfect, we grow up with friends and colleagues of different races, and the rate of intermarriage amongst races while not large, is significant.

Hence, we better understand and respect each other's cultures better with each passing year.

Lets Maintain this and Keep it Up.

2. Ang Mo Dua Ki mentality - 7 out of 10.  (Bad, Needs improvement downwards !)

We should cast out any doubt that no race nor society is truly superior. The subconscious mind of many Asians fed on US soft power for the last 77 odd years needs to be reset. Movies like Top Gun, Rambo series and hit Netflix series like Peaky Blinders, and their like must be overcome with many more Asian blockbusters.

The fact that many expatriates are in our midst, should not equate to our service  staff subconsciously giving them elite service and pandering to their whims while neglecting our people. This must and will change.

More Assertiveness and interaction with foreign people in social and online settings with meaningful topics. More debates and shared discussions for all. 

I do note that the public courts also give the Westerners a light touch when it comes to sentencing for unruly, drunken and poor behaviour to our public servants like the Police.

Why ?

3. Public Housing Prices are too High - 8 out of 10 (Needs improvement downwards!)

Kudos to the Government and HDB for designing and building high quality flats. They come at prices ranging from S$ 350,000 to over $500,000 which in many other countries (Australia) one can purchase a landed house (in suburbs not near city) and possibly with  a car too.

Public Housing Prices are becoming an Asset Class which if not carefully managed will become a Buyer's Trap for young couples who will end up working over 25 years just to pay off the mortgage (S$400,000 for example at 2.5% interest compounded will be S$800,000 in over 20 years time).

Somethings must be done to redress this else, it becomes a Debt Trap for the Young.

4. Car COE Prices - 13 out of 10 (Ridiculous and the System Needs a Complete Overhaul).    

We need to overhaul the COE, there is already so many additional taxes like ARF and Purchase Levies as well as ERP prices, one either must be crazy rich or just crazy to go out and buy a saloon car (Japanese) which will cost close to (now) $200,000 or US$ 120,000.

This is almost 5 times of what you can purchase for this SAME CAR MODEL in most parts of Europe.

Again, a New and Fairer System for All. A suggestion  Singapore citizen owners bid at two bands (below 1600 cc and below 2000 cc)  Foreign owners and luxury car owners at another 2 bands. Assuming the foreign owners and luxury car owners are prepared to pay premium (sometimes over a million dollar), then let the prices for those bands fly high. Why penalise the local Singaporeans who compete with the rest in the CC range ?  

5. Income Inequality - 9.5 out of 10 ( Worldwide Problem ; We happen to be worst than most !).

We have a meritocratic society, based on justice and equality (no doubt the words from the Sinagore Pledge). However, some are more Equal than others simply due to the fact that they have money, lots of it. The prevailing sentiment is that there are quite a number of foreigners with money (lots of it) and are pushing up prices of private properties (for own stay, rental, or business use) as well as cars and luxury goods. 

This is not good, as it leads to the perception that ALL Singaporeans are well to do, which is definately NOT TRUE.   

Rich People's expressions of their monetary purchases are easily seen by the number of new luxury cars and watches costing hundreds of thousands worn on the arms of the Neuveau Riche. This will ultimately cause envy in segments who 'do not have' and we must be mindful of the segmentation of society purely on monetary (earnings or where they live) terms, which is not healthy in the long run. 

The Income Inequality stems mainly from the new citizens and PR who have moved here and started buying high end properties and cars en masse. Seeing them flaunting their wealth is not good for the everyday Ah Beng and Ah Lian. On the other hand, if they make good, what they choose to spend on is purely their perogative. 

I have no sympathy to those who lost their fortunes on the scammers who peddled luxury watches (as highlighted in news recently). Caveat Emptor. Those who buy 'assets' remember, what goes UP also does come DOWN. 

What suggestions do I have ? I have 2 broad swathes below 

1. Make Money Management and Finishing Classes Compulsoty in Upper Secondary

2. Teach Basic Human Values as Subjects in Primary School. Do not assume Values are Universal and families will teach and impart upon all kids. One Subject per Year (6 in total)

(a) Kindness / Goodness

(b) Honesty   

(c) Empathy and Compassion

(d) Moral Integrity

(e) Humility  / Deference of Ego 

(f) Sharing / Tithing or Donation




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