Monday, September 4, 2023

Back to Drone Flying for some Exercise

4 Sept 23 Drone Practice. 

After a  hiatus of almost 9 months, I am back at the hobby I picked up last year, drone flying. The sight of flying a small aircraft and controlling something in the air had always had a fascination for me since I was in Primary school.

I remember years back, while staying in Adis Road, I was one of those very fortunate boys whose Dad doted on me. I had a petrol engine small plane (Spitfire I believe) and I dared not to fly it as playing with highly flammable things well, were very dangerous.

My then friend Percy Henry (he has now since migrated to Adelaide Australia) opted to fly it and we went to the nearby park to take the maiden flight. We flipped the propeller and the engine roared into life. Percy then managed to get the plane to speed on the grass patch and the plane rose high, almost vertically. AND THEN it fell headlong into the ground and literally crashed (no burning).

The end of my aeromodelling days and love for plane model flying !

My dream is to fly larger drones and take better videos in the future for (hoprfully) future holidays.


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