Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Here's wishing one and all a blessed Christmas

This is the time of year for us to reflect on what we cherish the most. The meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus of Nazareth's birth some 2024 years ago.  While many people do understand the meaning of Christmas, the retailers (E retailers and physical ones) use any opportunity to promote consumerism and drive up revenue and profits. 

The act of gift giving was started by the 3 kings or Magi in those days. They came (according to Chat GPT LOL) from 

a) Persia (modern day Iran)

b) Babylon (modern day Iraq)

c)  Arabia (modern day Saudi Arabia and Yemen)

It is so much better to give than to receive and at this time of  family and friends gettogethers, feasting and merry making ,  lets not forget that there are millions of people suffering in the world today. Pray for their safety and security and I hope that 2025 will be a recovery year for all of these people.

I wish to give thanks to my family, my relations, my friends, acquaintences and business associates, clients 

Let bygones be bygones, and lets move forward this Christmas with love, forgiveness and with the spirit of love towards our fellow man.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Health Supplements which work for me. Joint recovery and stiffness. A surprising find at 62 !


Joint Protec Xtra from LAC (formerly GNC) and Cartilege Sensei from ACP 

Take it from me, I am a seasoned runner. With 20 odd years of running, I have been taking first Glucosomine and Chondroitine tablets, (2 a day) since my mid 40s. As an enlightened health enthusiast, I have over the years, increased my dosage to my current level, which is

4 tablets daily of 

a) Glucosamine  (1500 mg),

b) Chondroitine Sulphate (1000 mg)

c) MSM or Methylsulfonlymethane (900mg)

d) Hyaluronic Acid 5.1 mg

After I hit the big 60, my joints were giving some aches and pains, and I was taking a longer time to recover, especially after I ran a rather long distance (now that I am in my 7th decade of life). I thought this was a natural degression in the circle of life, as everything wears over time. 

In addition to my 4 tablets of GC, CH,MSM and HLA tablets, I took 2 tablets of collagen (my previous brand was Holistic Way). It helped to grow the cartilege between the knee joints, as well as the ACL and LCL joints and other parts of my spine.

However, I thought that age catches up with me, so the aches and stiffness was on par for the course. That means, I am getting old and the joint pains and Osteoarthritis are all part and parcel of aging. 

So, naturally, my running frequency and distances, started to slow down. 

I was wrong. 

 Ingredients from Joint Protec Xtra 

Much to my pleasant surprise, after I switched from the previous brand to SCP Cartilege Sensei, I realised that VOILA ! my aches and pains completely dissipated !

I could feel a spring in my step and I could do multiple exercises on back to back days.

What an amazing surprise ! 

Ingredients from SCP Cartilege Sensei 

I believe the Cartilege Sensei is the game changer. I am feeling much more sprightly and can run 8 and even will try a 10 K on Christmas Day. 

Proper diet, control of sugar intake, ample sleep and a healthy state of mind. 

I will aim for another 3 marathons by 65 years of age. And in good time too !

I will do it !!! 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Candlenut Dempsey Post Birthday Lunch - 18 Dec Review

  1. Glutinous Rice Ball, Dried Longan, Peach Gum and Pandan Shaved Ice. 

  2. Glutinous Rice Cake with Blue Pea Flower. 

This is the first time I am dining at Candle Nut which is part of the Como group at Dempsey.

Here are the photos of the 'Ah Mah Kasee', which we took that day. The best small dishes or tapas we ate, in my opinion are the following.


a) Lobster Kueh Pie Tie with tumeric on candlenut base.            9 / 10

b) Chicken Satay with peanut sauce                                            9 / 10

Rojak, Ikan Chuan Chuan (Barramundi), Beef Buak Keluak, Udang Masak Lemak, Teloh Balado Petai

c) Ikan Chuan Chuan                                     8 / 10 

d) Chicken and Crab Tofu Balls, tofu
    in chicken broth                                          9 / 10

Chicken and Crab Tofu Balls, Tofu Puff and Chicken Broth 


     a) Soup                                         9 / 10

Chicken Satay 

One of the best satay I've tasted. There is no Chicken smell, the chunks were large and tender. The peanut sauce was sweetish and of high viscosity (slow moving) which is what a satay sauce is supposed to taste. 


a) Chicken Satay                             9.5 / 10

Grilled Beef Cheek Curry, Chitose Pepper on Puffed Prata 

This tapas looks good, however the curry doesn't have enough of the 'lemak' or coconut flavour which a typical Rendang curry should have

a) Curry on Puffed Prata             6 / 10

                                              Lobster Kueh Pie Tie with Tumeric on Candlenut 

Fantastic start to the meal. The lobster was a nice touch, where there used to be 'bangkuang' or radish shavings, is filled with lobster and tumeric for that South Asian feel. A winner. 


a) Lobster Kueh Pie Tie                                 9.5 / 10

All in all, it was a satisfying lunch, the service was extremely good, and the ambience quiet and dignified.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Can I get 230,000 views by end December ??


                                        With the legend himself Kaicho Wong Tuan Seng, yesterday at the release of his book Shitoryu Karate, documenting the history of Shitoryu Karate from Japan to Singapore and then internationally. 

Yesterday, I was honored and truly grateful to be given a copy of the Shitoryu Karate book, by Kaicho Wong. My sensei, Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah invited me over and Kaicho Wong graciously sigend a copy for me.

I have been practising, and then dispensing with the traditional school of Shitoryu karate for over 20 years (22 to be exact) but this is nothing compared to these 2 luminary gentelmen, who each have close to 60 years of experience, training, fighting and teaching the martial art in Singapore and internationally.

May the art and sport continue to grow and flourish in the coming years and decades.

My contribution to the sport is very minor compared to these 2 luminaries, and my respect and admiration for these 2 men is immense.

Long may they live and prosper, bountifully. 



Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Power of Habits ; Replacing Bad Ones with New Good Ones


This book is so useful to me and I'm sure to many of my readers too. Charles Duhigg is a bestselling novelist whose daytime job is a reporter based in the USA. Once I read this book, it opened my eyes and awareness that many of us, subconsciously fall into mental traps which influence our behaviors by going through routines which require little mental and cognitive use and ability. 

In short, we all fall into this 3 step activity on a daily basis.

1. Cue

2. Routine

3. Reward

This is repeated many times a day, and for many people, it becomes second nature, which subsequently  becomes entrenched into our subconcious mind, without even giving a second thought to it. 

The truth of the matter is this ; most of the highly processed foods in the market, ranging from snack foods crisps, to sausages, bacon, ham, chocolate and even ice cream are highly processed foods. Recent in- depth studies have shown that processed foods and regular intake of them can and will cause metabolic syndrome, leading to diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, high blood pressure, aneurisyms and heart attack just to name the most common diseases which are so prevalent and are a result of our modern day lifestyle and activity or non -activity. 

Snack food manufacturers have put so many flavours and additives into these snacks with the sole intent of creating an addiction which is a craving which if not satisfied leads to behavioral change and longing. There are numerous examples of these, especially soda drinks and fast food that literally millions or (maybe) billions are living the poor food, snack diet and soft drinks cycle day in day out. 

It the same with nicotine (smoking) and alcohol consumption. I do not need to elaborate that these 3. ; 

1. snack and confectioary foods

2. alcohol

3. smoking

are the opiate of the masses, or the feel good stuffs readily available to the general population to dull the grind of daily urban life. We the people subconciously do things and repeat these acitivities ad nauseum, to mechanise our daily activities so that our brain function is kept on low gear - 90% of the daily awake time.

We believe and learn from young to develop regular activities which we are told to be good. 4 of which spring to mind effortlessly and so regularly that they become habits which are repeated on a daily basis, that they become ingrained in our daily cycle. However, over time, we subconciously develop bad habits and over the years stick with the ones which give us the best endorphin rush or boost for the least physical activity expended. Meaning, we are inherently lazy.  

The 4 food habits which we have trained upon us since young worldwide are, exercising :

1.  good physical hygiene (bathing at least once a day and trimming our bodily hair growth)

2.  good oral hygiene (brushing and flossing our teeth at least twice a day)

3.  good sleep hygiene (getting at least 7 to hours of continuous uninterrupted sleep).

4. good internal hygiene (moving your bowels and urine regularly). 

The simple act of brushing our teeeth, twice (minimum) a day is to prevent bad bacteria from building up and causing plaque which will eventually cause tooth decay, rotting and gum disease. However, up till about 100 years ago, people did not bother to brush their teeth with toothpaste with enamel and gum protection flouride and other good nutrients. That is another story for another blog. 

Let me qualify. Its perfectly OK to eat some crisps, soft drinks, alcohol, chocolate, red wine or whatever you like once in a while. The issue is when it consuming these things become cravings and eventually must haves on a daily basis that I believe it can be detrimental to your health and wellbeing. The fact that these are sold over the counter all over the world with no warning labels, with the exception of alcohol and cigarettes doesn't imply that they are health foods.

That said, striving to eat a balanced diet of fresh foods, vegetables, ideally without GMO, or genetically modified processes, clean water and regular exercise plus adopting a healthy outlook in life is what we should all strive for. 

Development of good habits is key. and over the course of 4 score years (80) which is the average life expectancy of most people in developed countries, we would have mindlessly picked up several bad habits over these decades. 

The good news is that they are reversible and can be replaced with good ones. You only need a strong willpower, a supportive family and friends environment and a never say die spirit. 

                                                            Habit #1 ; Snacking 

Lets start first with the snacks, there are 3 stages in the habit loop. 

1. Cue

2. Routine

3. Reward.

So, the cue in this case is hunger. There are some who snack out of boredom. That is mindless activity creating dopamine or the feel good chemical in our body. Scientists have for decades developed endless artificial flavours and smells and tried all kinds of triggers to make us feel food without us doing the necessary work, like exercise which naturally creates it. 

The 'likes' on your social media feed, on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok to name just 3 gives everybody a rush of dopamine, never mind they are strangers. "hey I got 300 likes for my post" I must be some hero. 

Coming back to the snack foods, the Cue here is Hunger for 90% of the time. 

We then do the routine, without the activity checking in our mind, "hey, what is the best food or small snack I can eat to settle my hungry tummy ?". 

So, in the larder (for example like mine) are .2 packets of Potato Crisps (baked not fried to lessen the guilt trip), and the routine is for this old fat body to make his way down, tear open the vacuum sealed packet and pop in  to my heart (or tummy's) content.   My calorie counter is thrown out the window. Oh while I am at it, pop open a small can of beer. 

In no time, my snack has become a full blown meal of bad bad calories (450 and above).

Reward : I am rewarded when my tummy is full and my dopamine tank has kicked in and fulfilled. 

I mindlessly omit that I have added another 450 and above calories to my daily intake, and these are the worst kind - processed food and alcohol. 

Assuming that I have eaten 3 healthy meals, each of say 500 to 600 calories each, I should have enough for the day. So why do I snack ? Perhaps it is boredom, perhaps the food has digested easily and I need to pop in something, OR, I do some exercise and generate endorphin, the naturally occuring chemical which is critical for creating dopamine. 

So, the logical and healthy thing for me to do, is 1 of 2 activities.

a) If I am in the office, I would eat something healthy like a crunchy fruit, or crackers.

b) If I am outside, then make my way to do a run / walk or play some table tennis with some buddy of mine.

The change in routine is so crucial to many of us, especially me. I have miraculously improved my running condition (at age 62) so much so that I can still run or walk practically every other day.

So, the new habit, is now (with effect from Dec 15th 2024) 

1. Cue - Hunger

2. Routine - Physical activity (running/ walking/ gardening) 

3. Reward - Dopamine tank is replenished. 

If I can keep at this for 1 month, a new healthier me has emerged. A person who has shed his old bad snacking and drinking habit.

So, as of tomorrow, I will create a INPUT AND OUTPUT LOG food log, a snack log and an exercise log for myself to track every single activity in and out for my tracking. 

A lot of self discipline is required. Self denial and never say die spirit is also needed.

Wish me luck in my journey.

Monday, November 11, 2024

How to Prioritise Effectively 101


This is a 120 % super effective way to prioritise your time each and every day as well as weekly, monthly and so on.

Spend a good 15 minutes taking stock of everything going around you, and for company bosses, this is so important, it requires reading, absorbing, making changes and then DOING.

I will start with myself.

Wish me the very best of  implementations.


Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Meaning of Life


This is a revelation which has been decades in the making ; The meaning of Life. It is practised by the very successful as well as countless ordinary people in all walks of life without some of them (I speculate) knowing. 

The meaning of life is intertwined with the purpose of life. You need to find your purpose or goal in life. That will be the start point. It is different for each and every one of us ; but the fundamentals are the same ; Set the goals as early as you can ; I recall setting them when I hit 40 years of age.


> Set your life goals ; clearly (financial, family, health, personal and relationships for example)

> Achieve them either fully or partially. There will come a point where you say, I have enough.

Ensure you have set aside so much for your retirement nest egg for you and your partner for example for the next say 20 years. 


> Help others who are not so fortunate or determined set and achieve their life goals too. 

In the process of helping others focus on their life's purpose and uplifting their condition you will find meaning in yours too.

That to me is the meaning of life.

Its simple yet it is most profound as the goals you set are intertwined with those around you, and your challenges which you face on a daily basis.

Many people have done so, like my parents. When the time comes when their health challenges or other aspects of life overcome their ability to serve their ownsevles and they lose that ability, they say, OK my work is finished.

Carpe Diem. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Live High Train Low and High Adaptations by Scientists Worldwide


Photo Courtesy of Prof Julien Periard (UCRISE Sport and Research Department) Presentation 12 Oct 2024 

This Table is as presented by a top Hypoxic Researcher Dr Julien Periard, of Canberra University (Research Institute for Sports and Exercise) giving a history of the implementations of various altitude / hypoxic training methods adopted worldwide.

The live high train low and high LHTLH regimen has be adapted and practised about 10 years ago (2015) which targets Team Sports, Racquet Sports and Endurance Trained Athletes.

QRA is fortunate to be part of the equation whereby our company provides full turnkey solutions in terms of equipment simulating hypoxic altitude conditions with and without reduced air pressure for these various sports and events :

a) endurance sports

b) cycling

c) triathalons

d) mountaineering

e) canoeing

f) martial arts

We are actively looking for the following partners NOW :

> Gyms who will be keen to collaborate in procuring our hypoxic chambers to actively promote the Hypoxic effects to the team, athletic and endurance sports community. 

> Spas who want to enhance their wellness offerings to the well heeled and the people who want to prolong longevity and beauty in their circles of friends.

> Distributors and Agents 

Please email your interest to :

Topic : Collaboration for Low Oxygen Environment for Gyms and Wellness Centres.

Email : mark@qra.com.sg



Friday, November 1, 2024



This took me a while to fully grasp its meaning. Face your ultimate fear, be it death, bankruptcy, business failure, loss of face, divorce, death ending diseases, breakups from loved ones, declining health - whatever keeps you awake at night.

Face it and make yourself believe that no matter what you will overcome it. You will strive and strive and strive, learn, adapt, be better smarter and stronger. In time, you will find that your greatest fear is no longer anything but something you have to beat.  And you will. 

In doing so, once you have beaten it ; you no longer have that fear. 

Its all in your mind. 

Conquer your fear.

And be Free.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

QRA Vision Statement


A Constant Reminder to myself and my readers of the reason why QRA is in existence. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Happy 27th Andrew !


Celebrating Andrew's Sweet 16th at Wooloomooloo Restaurant at Raffles City (2013)

2 days ago, my younger son Andrew celebrated his 27th birthday in Brisbane Australia. We wished him via social media and through Whatsapp. Here is a photo of his 16th taken some 11 years ago, time surely flies. 

Time has indeed been very kind to my family and I ; we have 2 grown lovely young men striking out in the working world, with all their future laid out for them.

May the good Lord bless Andrew and Noel with all the good health, happiness, family ties and some wealth in this world.

Do good and it will be repaid in multiples.

Carpe Diem.  

Last Push till end 2024 !


There is barely 2 months left of 2024. As I look back, I feel grateful that our Labs are at 90% capacity and my staff are well trained, motivated and hungry for more orders. The goals have been set very clearly and we push toward achieving the targets set. No ifs no buts no nothing. 

The word on the street is that a recession is imminent within the next 12 months as envisaged in the inversion of the long term bond yields as compared to the short term bond yields in Singapore's T Bills. No one seems to notice it ; or wants to make capital on it.

I will do the necessary ; get on with achieving what is needed on the business front, make investments to get that secondary income stream a reality and press on.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

ASTM F 1980 All Your Questions Answered Here



1. What is a Medical Device ? 

Medical devices are an article, instrument, apparatus or machine that is used in the      prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illnesses or diseases. They can be used for detecting, measuring, restoring, correcting or modifying the structure of the body for some health benefit.

Examples of Medical Devices

a) Contact Lenses

b) Blood Pressure Monitors

c) Hearing Aids

d) Heart Pacemakers

e) Tooth implants

    2. What is ASTM F1980  ? 

   Standard for Accelerated Aging of Sterile Barrier Systems for Medical Devices

ASTM F1980 is a test standard titled, "Standard Guide for Accelerated Aging of Sterile Barrier Systems for Medical Devices" is a testing procedure that is used to help with the assessment of the sterile integrity of a package and product designed for medical use.

In order to validate a product and package's Sterile Barrier System (SBS) over the intended storage shelf life,

Accelerated Aging is conducted to evaluate a package and product's long term usability and efficacy. ASTM F1980 is a specific accelerated aging test protocol set forth by ASTM International (American Standards for Test and Measurement International)

Shelf Life Test is then conducted to benchmark the product. Essentally it is to keep the product at the ambient temperature and humidity conditions for the entire duration of the product's useful life. This may be 3 years, 5 years or even 8 years. 

If the manufacturer wishes to sell his products into the world's largest market for medical devices, the USA, it needs to have its final products tested and passed according to ASTM F1980 - 21. 

In Europe it is known as the ISO 11607 

3.ASTM F1980-21 replaced F1980-16 in December 2021. What changed?

The revisions' primary change recommends that the use of controlled humidity during accelerated aging be considered, findings documented and used during testing if warranted.

The need for controlled humidity should be based on the characterization data of the materials used in the medical device, it's packaging, and the long term storage condition.

4. What is the Purpose of ASTM F1980 ? 

To function safely and effectively, medical devices must maintain their sterile integrity throughout their shelf-life. However, over time, the physical properties of the materials may degrade in certain environments and, as a result, may negatively impact the safety and efficacy of the product. Because they endure so many unique environments while being transported, used and stored.

Medical devices must undergo shelf life testing in addition to sterile integrity testing. ASTM F1980 specifically evaluates the aging process along with its package and how it impacts sterility and shelf-life. 

Accelerated aging therefore simulates these conditions by exposing the materials to elevated temperatures for shorter periods of time to represent an equivalent real time shelf life duration,

F1980 testing offers valuable safety and performance insights to manufacturers. 

With greater understanding of the aging process on a product and its package system as the result of testing, manufacturers can make more informed decisions regarding the handling, storing, and use of the product. Additionally, precise aging tests achieved by tight temperature tolerances offer enhanced assurance among regulatory agencies and consumers.

QRA Lab 1 at 21 Toh Guan Road East,
04 - 02 Toh Guan Centre
Singapore 608586

5. What is the procedure for an accelerated aging test for medical devices?

In accelerated aging tests for medical devices, a material or Sterile Barrier System (SBS) is exposed to elevated temperatures for a condensed amount of time. By exposing the testing materials to more extreme conditions during a shorter time frame, researchers can evaluate how a product will age under normal conditions without waiting for the entire desired duration. Armed with this knowledge, manufacturers can determine shelf life, storage, in-use, and transportation parameters more accurately for their product.

Accelerated aging is a standard practice in the medical device industry for determining shelf life parameters by accelerating the effects of time on a Sterile Barrier System (SBS).

The accelerated aging process is based on the relationship between temperature and reaction rate, in which the reaction rate increases as the temperature rises. The Arrhenius Equation is the basic formula used for an accelerated aging test for medical devices is:

Accelerated Aging Time (AAT)= Desired Real Time (RT) divided by the Accelerated Aging

Factor (AAF)

ln summary

Every 10 C increase in ageing temperature shortens the AAT by half.

Therefore if you have a product whose expected shelf life is 3 years or 36 months, the device is expected to 'ageor experience :

>  for ambient storage 25 C ; keeping the product in a chamber at 35 C, the product is expected to 'age' in 18 months.

>   for ambient storage 25 C ; keeping the product in a chamber at 45 C, the product is expected to 'age' in 9 months.

>   for ambient storage 25 C ; keeping the product in a chamber at 55 C, the product is expected to 'agein 4.5 months.

Therefore for a product with a shelf life of 3 years ; storage at 25 C 

a) Storage at 35 C  ; RH at 50 % RH  Aging Test Duration : 18 months

b) Storage at 45 C ; RH at 50% RH   Aging Test Duration : 9 months

c) Storage at 55 C ; RH at 50 % RH  Aging Test Duration : 4.5  months

QRA INTERNATIONAL offers Accelerated Aging Tests and Shelf Life Tests at most competitive prices internationally. Its 2 Labs with 20 Test Chambers are there running daily 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your peace of mind.

We provide the following for a flat inexpensive fee. 

a) Monthly aging tests using top quality chambers from Germany, S.Korea, China        and Singapore. Test Durations : 4.5 months up to 60 months. 

b) Regular Test Reports Monthly, at start of test and at end of test.

c) Calibration Reports according to ISO 17025 (SINGLAS) for each test chamber prior to test.

d) DHL collection and delivery anywhere in the world 24 / 7.

QRA Lab 2 at 7 Perahu Road
Singapore 718 836

6. What are some of the parameters for ASTM F1980 testing?

ASTM International sets forth specific test parameters to ensure consistent testing across different lab facilities. The basic parameters for ASTM F1980 include the following:

1.    Accelerated Aging Temperature (ASTM F 1980 -16)

2.    Humidity (F1980 - 21)

3.   Quantity of product testing samples (for 90% confidence and 90% reliability)

7.  What do I do after the Accelerated Aging and Shelf Life Tests ? 

After the Accelerated Aging Tests, it is advisable to send your medical products to

a)    Peel Test

b)    Bubble (full immersion) Test

to determine the Confidence and Reliability Levels. QRA can advise you on these matters.

7.Arrhenius Equation ; What is it ? Why is it Useful ?

Using the Arrhenius Equation, the TRT should accurately reflect the actual product storage and in-use conditions, generally between 20°C and 30°C.

Accelerated aging temperature should be identified prior to testing. This is done by having in-depth knowledge of your materials, product, and packaging. It is not recommended to exceed +65 °C.

The need for controlled humidity during accelerated aging should be identified prior to testing; if materials are subject to moisture degradation, 45% - 55% RH is suggested. This input should be determined with your material providers' assistance.

A Q10 factor needs to be determined, which involves testing materials at various temperatures and defining the differences in reaction rate for a 10° change in temperature. A typical Q10 factor used during testing is 2.

Accelerated aging factor should be specified using the following equation:

AAF = Q10 (TAA-TRT) /10

QRA's sales professionals can walk you through your product ageing test needs. 

What is the best temperature to use for an ASTM F1980 test?

The ASTM F1980 standard suggests using an accelerated aging temperature below 60°C. Aging your product at a greater temperature provides the advantage of a faster simulation of the aging interval, but this comes with risks for particular products and packaging materials. Medical devices are often engineered with delicate materials that may drastically change when exposed to temperatures exceeding +60°C. Finding out if your medical product or device may be adversely affected by long periods of high heat or low humidity is a good place to start when choosing the best accelerated aging temperature. Westpak's experts can help you define the ideal temperature parameters for your products and packaging.

Common Accelerated Aging Temperatures: 50 C, 55 C, 57 C or 60 C

8. What is the best humidity level to use for accelerated aging?

Humidity usage is dependent on the materials used in your product and packaging, how moisture impacts them, and other environmental factors. If humidity during accelerated aging is to be controlled, we recommend either 50% rH to 60% rH to be used.

The humidity aspect of the aging should also be documented.

QRA INTERNATIONAL can assist you in this with all our reports clearly stating the parameters controlled and any deviation of these set parameters.

9. How do you evaluate the ASTM F1980 test, post-aging?

After a testing sample has undergone the accelerated aging process, its physical properties and package integrity will be compared against various aging time points.

This includes as per ASTM F1886, 

1. Peel Testing

2. Bubble Test 

3. Dye Test

10. Can You Recommend the Test Protocols for my product to test under ASTM F 1980 and or ISO 11607 ? 

Yes We Can. Our recommendations will be based on your company's unique product, expected shelf life and how much you value your brand.We have decades of experience at our Labs to guide you along your way to brand excellence and reliability.  

Contact us by email at :



        Website :    www.qra.com.sg

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...