Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Can I get 230,000 views by end December ??


                                        With the legend himself Kaicho Wong Tuan Seng, yesterday at the release of his book Shitoryu Karate, documenting the history of Shitoryu Karate from Japan to Singapore and then internationally. 

Yesterday, I was honored and truly grateful to be given a copy of the Shitoryu Karate book, by Kaicho Wong. My sensei, Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah invited me over and Kaicho Wong graciously sigend a copy for me.

I have been practising, and then dispensing with the traditional school of Shitoryu karate for over 20 years (22 to be exact) but this is nothing compared to these 2 luminary gentelmen, who each have close to 60 years of experience, training, fighting and teaching the martial art in Singapore and internationally.

May the art and sport continue to grow and flourish in the coming years and decades.

My contribution to the sport is very minor compared to these 2 luminaries, and my respect and admiration for these 2 men is immense.

Long may they live and prosper, bountifully. 



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