Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Here's wishing one and all a blessed Christmas

This is the time of year for us to reflect on what we cherish the most. The meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus of Nazareth's birth some 2024 years ago.  While many people do understand the meaning of Christmas, the retailers (E retailers and physical ones) use any opportunity to promote consumerism and drive up revenue and profits. 

The act of gift giving was started by the 3 kings or Magi in those days. They came (according to Chat GPT LOL) from 

a) Persia (modern day Iran)

b) Babylon (modern day Iraq)

c)  Arabia (modern day Saudi Arabia and Yemen)

It is so much better to give than to receive and at this time of  family and friends gettogethers, feasting and merry making ,  lets not forget that there are millions of people suffering in the world today. Pray for their safety and security and I hope that 2025 will be a recovery year for all of these people.

I wish to give thanks to my family, my relations, my friends, acquaintences and business associates, clients 

Let bygones be bygones, and lets move forward this Christmas with love, forgiveness and with the spirit of love towards our fellow man.


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