Monday, June 17, 2024

Accelerated Aging for Biomedical Devices.

 This is not a long post. Essentially, every product which values its brand name and wants the 'quality' mark associated with it should have its products aged for studies in long term performance and degradation of their flagship products.

Just like our seamen of old, seafarers who were on the decks of their ships were always aging before their time. This is because of several  environmental factors such as :

a) Sun

b) Heat

c) Humdity

d) Salt 

Similarly, the products which QRA INTERNATIONAL ages undergo similar accelerated aging tests for biomedical and medical companies internationally.

For every 10 C increase in temperature, ages the product 2 x so, by putting the products in stability chambers and ovens, we are able to ACCELERATE AGE the samples quickly, as much as 4.5 months when kept at 55 C for a product which ordinarily has a shelf life of 3 years or 36 months.

For further information, please contact 


Email :

Tel     : (65) 6795 1486. 



Sunday, June 16, 2024

Vision and Goals - QRA INTERNATIONAL



21 Toh Guan Road East

#04 - 02 Toh Guan Centre

Singapore 608609 

Day 12 11th Dec 2023 Chiuggia Last Day of Trip


The last day of our lovely trip. We made the bus trip to Chioggia which is slightly over 1 hours bus ride from Santa Lucia station. When we arrived, we were shocked and pleasantly surprised that we were the only tourists in this picturesque town.

There being not much else to do, we went around the town looking for some decent lunch. We were not disappointed. 

Ristorante Bella Venezia
Ravagnan Roberto (Proprietor)
Calle Corona 51
30015 Chioggia

The food, as in many places in Venice, was unbelievably good. We had the Tortelli Rumbo which looked a lot like the stuffed dumpling in our wanton noodles. In addition, we had the seafood platter and some espresso to top of the five star food at 3 star prices.

Readers, if you do visit Venice one day, DO visit Chioggia. You will find it a mini Venice without the hustle and bustle of the tourists and souvenir shops. It is still a fishing village and its proximity to Venice makes it worthwhile for a half day jaunt to get a flavour of everyday Italian life. 

Me at the entrance stairway to the Doge's palace. 

This is the final post of our unforgettable Italian holiday. The unfortunate incident aside, I am very pleased to say that this is a truly hospitable country, even with its relatively unsafe and security issues.

The country has a long and fascinating history, with periods of wars, Roman occupation, early Christian influence and the Renaissance period to embellish its good image throughout the 2 millenia.

Thanks for the ride. Time for some new adventures in possibly East European or South American shores.  

Day 11 10th Dec 2023 2nd Last Day

Venice ; Weather : Overcast all Day  

3 days left and I am raring to go ! We had planned a trip to Chioggia today but Marco at the front desk advised against is citing unfavourable weather.

Our alternative plan then was to cover the 2 musuems as well as the St. Marco Basillica.

1. Museo de Cornee

Situated at the far end of Piazza St Marco 

2. St. Marco Basillica 

It is world famous because it houses the presumably the remains of Mark the Apostle in one of the pillars. It is a church secret as it was done so to hide it from the invading Ottoman soldiers.

We had a lovely lunch at a small cafe near the Hugo Boss and Gondola station.

In the afternoon more sightseeing and we went to the world famous Rialto Bridge across the Grand Canal, also called the Lover's Bridge. We had some wefies for rememberence and then walked to the nearby cafe for coffee and some tarts. I had a hilarious conversation with the Bangladeshi head waiter about where were 'orginally' came from. For censorship and diversity compliance reasons I will not post it here or on any social media platforms.

Finally the shot for the trip, which we will keep for our old age memories. This will be the second last post for our wonderful Italian holiday, and the very unfortunate event which occurred to me on Day 13 Dec 12th 2023 has already been posted previously. 

  We also were mesmerised (is that the correct word ?) by the sewage dump boat, which literally comes every day to take the sewage in containers from all the establishments and homes on a regular basis.

Venice, is a fully functioning city, with cinemas, post offices, supermarkets, gyms, administration offices, theaters, restaurants, museums, boutique shops and lots of other entertainment venues just like in any major city. This aspect of city maintenance and cleaning on a daily basis is often overlooked or not even given second thoughts.

Truly a city for all seasons and reasons to visit. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 10 9th Dec 2023 Venice Post 4

There is reference to the city of Venice being built on an Upside Down Forest. As shown below, the millions upon millions of Oak Pylons which have been petrified over decades will lead to their solidifcation and thus is perfect to be a solid non destructible base for the city or numerous islands.

The embankment and shoreline is made from Istrian stone.  Andreas also brought us to see the leaning tower of Venice (haha) which has been supported by stone buttresses (reinforcement structures). 


In 2023, due to global warming and climate change, Venice is particularly affected by the ice caps melting and the rising sea levels. They have engineered a solution whereby 68 air ballasts in the 3 open waterway points will be made. 

Costing a cool EUR 60 billion, they will rise up when activated to stop the water inflow, much like our Marina Barrage, except that this 68n ballasts will be in the open sea.

It is a stark fact that Venice is indeed sinking, and there is no apparent permanent solution in sight.

Teatro la Fenice
Our last stop for the day is the Teatro La Fenice. It is one of the finest WOODEN theatres in Italy and has the dubious distinction of being burned down twice in the past ! Electrical malfunction was the culprit.

For dinner, we went to the fabulous "Trattoria Agli Artisti Pizzeria" which is as 

Via Calle Rimpeto la Sacretia and Calle Castanga 

We again had a magnificent meal of 

a) Bruschetta

b) Squid Ink Ravioli

c) Fried Seafood Plate.


Squid Ink Ravioli 

Fried Seafood Plate 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Day 10 9th Dec 2023 Venice Post 3

 Weather : Sunny 6 - 10 C 

Taken from my diary ; Wake up with a smile on my face. After toiletries, we head up to 3rd floor for simple American breakfast, the 8.30 am slot. Meet the tea lady there and another couple who are Europeans and also on holidays.

10.30 am Walk around St Mark's Piazza and went to the Doge's Palace.We bought the St Mark's Pass which entitles the holder to the Doge's Palace and a couple of museums around the Piazza.

We enter the palace after a short wait and we are amazed at the size of the meeting hall which apparently is the largest in Europe ! 

There are numerous frescos depicting all the Saints and all the wars fought by the Venetians in the yesteryear. To say we were awed by the room is an understatement,

We crossed over the Bridge of Sighs, which meant for the prisoners, the last time they would ever cross over and never going to come back across alive, hence the name. There were the prison cells which were surprisingly brightly lit.


Another picture of my wife across one of the bridges and with gondolas in the background.

Lunch was a rather bleary affair, I daresay the worst of the entire trip, at a streetside pizzeria. We went to out meeting point for our walking tour. 


We went on a fascinating walking tour led by the interesting guide Andreas. He gave a fascinating insight into how clever the early Venetians were in the past. They were active tradesmen, craftsmen, sea farers (Marco Polo was a Venetian), engineers, artists and warriors.

The paintings at the Doge Palace depict wars with the Ottomans (Turks) in the late 15th Century. Suleiman (12th century) and the Gauls (French). All these magnificent wars were carried out over the last 1000 years and the Renaissance was right smack in it too !

We walked to the Grand Canal and were taught that Venice is actually one big lagoon with 3 'islands' protecting if from the Adriatic Sea. Lido island is the largest of the 3 islands comprising Venice.

We also walked to certain precints, and saw he disused wells where the early Venetians gathered rainwater and filtered  the rainwater through sand. A brilliant engineering concept which also catered for excess water overflow. I guess there are pumps in the overflow tanks when the dry season came.

Finally, all of Venice is laid on millions upon millions of petrified oak pylons. Petrification takes place when there is no oxidation od the wood and the structure solidifies, like concrete. Brilliant engineering concept applied again !

The banks and the shores of Venice are made of Isthian Stone, whatever that is. 



Day 9 8th Dec 2023 Piazza Saint Marco and the Basillica Post 2


The raised wooden walkways are up, so bad is the almost annual flooding of the square

In the afternoon of the 9th after another amazing lunch, we went to Saint Mark's Square which was just around the corner from the hotel. We could see that the raised flooring was all in place in anticipation of the night's rain. Venice is in serious danger of going underwater in the next 50 years, and the Government has put into place many engineering solutions like massive bollards filled with air to stop the eventual flooding into the many small islands which make up the region Venice.

Venice Map 

Just outside the area, there are plans by the Italian Government to put up massive bollards which will be raised to block the rising flow of water into the precint. 

We booked the St Mark's pass which gave us entry into the Doge's Palace as well as the 2 museums around the Piazza. I must warn that the Piazza is full of undesirable touts and con-men so it is best to watch your phone, wallet, backpacks and passports. In the next few days I myself became a victim of a snatch thief in the train back from Venice. 

The Doge's (or big chief) palace was really grand, the archway staircase with the golden roof was amazing. It goes to reinforce the view that the city state of Venice once long time ago (say 300 - 400 years) was a mighty force and Singapore's school books are all following the merits and management of the Venetians today.

The dome inside the Duomo St Marco 

I can say this for Venice, it has a magnificent history of trade and was a city of light and charm. Singapore on the other hand, well we are a 58 going on 59 year miracle. Will we rise above the geopolitical maneuvering of the region and still be as strong and as wealthy over the next 58 or 59 years ?

With the winged lion, the Symbol of the Venetian empire

Venice is sinking, that and the fact that Italy is swamped with the influx of foreigners coming from Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia makes visiting places where plenty of tourists flock to, dangerous. I have been to Venice a total of 3 times in my life and each visit is I experience a paradigm shift in what I perceive it to be. 

To rest on the former glories and depending only on tourism is not a good solution for economic uplift, but the state of many European countries is such that unless the young can study the right subjects like Cybersecurity and or Creative Digital Marketing for example, the rank and file jobs will ultimately be taken over by AI. This is the same state of play as in Singapore, by and large. 

Of course, if you are good at cooking and other social skills, there are myriads of jobs in the local domestic economy. However, there is the influx of cheap foreign labour from mainly Bangladesh and Sri Lanka who fill up the void for the work that is inexpensive, hard and takes long hours.  Taxes and GST are very high, so that in itself is also another point people have to take into consideration. There is no escaping from earning a decent day's work. 

In the evening, my wife found us a great little restaurant called Ristorante la Piazza and we had a lovely lobster Taglatelle and Fried Sea Bass with vegetables to share.

Flooded Saint Mark's Square Dec 10th morning

Impressive golden archway and ceiling in the Doge's Palace 

The magnificent archway and staircase entrance of the Doge's palace which leads to the main Meeting Hall with yet even more majestic frescos and statues. All reminiscent of a long forgotten and glorious past. 


1960s - 1970s Pix from Those Days