Sunday, June 2, 2019

Why Do Singaporeans Complain So Much ?

At Como Lakeside 3 Dec 2023 

This is a rather touchy subject but I read a really good analysis of this topic and I would like to cite a Mr. Daniel Wong who is a learning and Developmental expert as well as a youth counsellor who wrote a fine piece in 2012 on this topic and the salient points are in the paragraph # 6. . But let me give a short piece of where we have come from in 5 paragraphs first. 

1.Singapore is a unique country having progressed spectacularly from an ex-British colony and seaport in the '50s and 60s, gaining independence from Malaysia on that fateful day 9th August 1965 and in the 54 years since has reached first world status in the last 1990s or in about 1 generation or 25 to 30 years. The country had recorded year on year growth rates of 18 - 20% in the 60s, dropping to the teens in the 70s and early 80s. We experienced our first major recession in 1985 -86 and then on it was a boom ride with growth rates above 10% for 10 years till the '97 Asian Financial Crisis. 

2. 2 generations are the lucky recipients of that growth led by the PAP Government helmed by the brilliant statesman Lee Kwan Yew then followed by his junior Mr. Goh Chok Tong and then the younger Mr. Lee Hsien Loong. On May 15th 2024 the baton of responsibility was passed to Mr. Lawrence Wong. 

3.Almost all of us have had our lives enriched  starting from a poor struggling backward seaport under British rule, then as prisoners under the Japanese followed by the post 2nd World War surge for independence. Our grandparents and parents suffered tremendously during those times. The people who lived  through these times after them - the Baby Boomers, the Millenials and the Gen Xers are the lucky ones 

4.So from about 1970 till 1997 or 27 years there was a record uplift of people's standard of living. Economic growth year on year would be easily 15% on average, with the exception of the 1985 economic crisis which was felt around the world including Singapore. After the 1997 -99 crisis, we had reached First World status. Things continued improving for most of the citizenry. However from 2000 till 2010, there was economic growth of around 4 - 8 % year on year, still much better than the Western countries. In 2011 till today growth has been quite tepid and weak, most years we record something like 1 - 4 % and the quality of life while there, our country has to added on many more new migrants. As a result of this, the pace of life is gotten faster, the competitiveness ever tougher, and the carefree days of the 60s and 70s are just a distant memory. We see foreigners in our midst in the lift, on the buses, MRT, on the roads and in our workplaces.The stresses are beginning to show, with housing prices peaking at an all time high in 2013 and starting to slide down - which is in fact good because there was a time when many people thought owing a small condominium was out of their financial reach during their lifetime, the price of COE has come down and is now  hovering (only) at  $40,000. There are more incidences (or is it due to the rise of social media sites like Stomp, and SGRoads ?) of poor social behaviour, rude passengers on the MRT, ang mohs bullying the locals and the rise of road rage. The root cause of many of these outbursts could be due to the fact that there are many more people living in the same small 800 km2 island which is getting more dense with each passing year. Not so long ago in the '80s we had roughly 3.5 million people overall living and working in Singapore. Now, we have added 2 million more give or have a total population of 5.5 million give or take a hundred thousand. The roads, the MRTs, the buses, and the streets are more congested - with many more foreign people living within our midst.  

5. Now in 2019, at 54 years of age, Singapore is still a very young country, our GDP per capita is the 3rd highest in the world, the airport is rated the world's best, the roads, streets and gardens clean and safe, we are fortunate to have hardly any drugs problem (strong deterrant laws with death penalty and caning implemented since early 1960s) the schools and Universities constantly being touted among Asia and the World's best. 

So why are Singaporeans always complaining about everything that annoys them ?  


Life is not fair. We have been brought up with values of our parents to play fair, to win fair and square and not to be a sore loser. While the concept is very good, when we one day look around us, we see so much unfairness going around in the world, it confuses our simple logical minds that life is indeed fair. Why are some countries always experiencing natural disasters, famines, civil wars, typhoons, earthquakes,tsunamis while some don't ? Why some people seem to live charmed lives and never seem to be be in want ? The rest of us slog like minions just to make that days' or months' wages and pay for the roof over our heads.

Consider those guys who seem to live 'charmed lives'. Some 3rd generation scions in their 40s and 50s get a very nice windfall inheritance and many people look on enviously wishing they could have gotten it too. This is the story of Peter,  a 40 something ex-banker who acquired $40 plus million in assets and cash when his parents passed on recently. He told me that he will forever be judged as a 'rich man's son' and no matter how hard he strives from now on to make it good with his business ventures or investments, or even to continue working people will enviously say, "Oh he got so much to start with, he is basically born with a silver spoon in his mouth" - so in people's minds, he does not appear as a true 'self made man'. 

If he went into some venture and failed (fact is more than 90% of businesses fail within 3 years of starting up) these same people will be sharping their knives and with spiteful envious criticism and say,  "See, he is no good !"

So, in reality his situation will be 'lose - lose', that means he is damned either way from people who know him superficially. Does he  then complain about life being unfair ? 

Who will pity him ? No one. 

He will  probably go through the same amount of struggle and heartache which everyone goes through in life, including health issues, family and relationship challenges  like everyone else from the President of the country down to the poorest 10% of people. The fact that he has more money or assets than 99% of the country is irrelevant when he is on his deathbed and wishing he had spent more time with his family and people that mattered than trying to make it to the billionaires list. 

Singapore on the whole has been dealt a pretty good hand of cards. Just that this isn't a game of poker or gin rummy. I have travelled to a fair number of countries in my life and yes while many give the lovely experiences when you visit for several days up to 2 weeks, many countries in Asia and Europe are third world countries without many of the items listed below which Singapore has and Singaporeans have taken for granted : 

Racial and religious harmony
Freedom of worship
Excellent infrastructure
Class "A" roads, drains, parks, schools and public infrastructure. 

Yet, we still complain about many things, why the MRT breaks down so often, why so many of our Government institutions are being run by the BGs with no relevent experience. For every good thing that comes out in recent years there is always the negative spin to the occasion or bad service mouthed on a daily basis in the coffeeshops, the end to end chats on Whatsapp and all of the other social media outlets. 

We complain to dispense with our unhappiness 
,but in a social setting, our foreign friends must think we Singaporeans are a spoilt, entitled and ungrateful lot. 

To a certain extent that is very true. 

To put our unhappiness to a target, the high ministers salaries will be routinely raised up to berate, and for example "see, pay so much for Minister and still MRT breakdown and delay" even though there is no correlation at all to the breakdown of the Mass Rapid Transit, and payment of the Minister's package.  

Really ? Which handbook or Rulebook says Jane must be the Queen since her parents, grandparents gave her everything in her early life which they did not have so that she felt she was a 'princess' and hence was entitled to marry a Prince later on and live Happily Ever After !

Wake Up and Smell the Manure young Girls and Boys ! 

If you feel you are entitled to anything in life, I think you belong to Disney's Little Mermaid. Make believe and fairy tales are for you to wish upon a star, but Grow Up !! We have come this far because of the tremendous struggle all these 50 odd years and with no handouts, agriculture or rare earth to sell, Singapore had to slowly and meticulously build up the nest egg for us Singaporeans. Believe me, if these were open to everyone who needed money, it will not go far. 

We have to take complete responsibility of our lives and accept full responsibility that we and only ourselves will take the credit and the blame when we 'make it' or 'break it' in life.We can always blame the Government and complain that they have to improve here and there, but without coming up with a workable comprehensive solution to the problem (say frequent MRT breakdowns) the complainers are only adding to the general unhappy mood and creating a sour bubble. 

c. Complaining makes us feel Justified 

I complain because I am unhappy with the service, things can be much better, there is always this train delay during morning and evening peak hour. So I am justified in complaining, they better take my complaint seriously. 

Fact of the matter is, they do. And they are trying to remedy things. However improvements must be seen in the context of years. There will be no quick fixes to many of our aging infrastructure, only incremental improvements. See the systems of London, Paris, Budapest and the newer ones in Bangkok, HK, Tokyo. Every single one has some glitches and problems aplenty. 

Can we buy complete set of new trains ? Yes, but then again the SMRT has done so and will keep on doing so for the future.

To cast a longing glance backward when the MRT was new in 1989 is like you and I looking back at the 'salad days' everything was new, rosy, there were no complaints  then  - 


To Summarise, I would like to humbly suggest my 3 life concepts so that you, my dear blog reader can understand, empathise and internalise these. Once you have done so successfully, you will find there is no need to complain :


 Acceptance of this fact is key to relieving deep seated unhappiness and satisfaction. 

If you think you are in a difficult position in life, look at those around you. Take control of your situation and use your God given gifts and talents to get yourself out of the situation rather than moan and groan about how unfair life is. Get help from your TRUE friends and family. You must ascertain who are really your TRUE friends and family who will stand by you when you face crises and you will face crises eventually.

Everyone does.


Inscription on the wall of Tower Bridge London by the prisoners awaiting their fate, usually execution by beheading.



Monday, May 27, 2019

Bistro du Vin 25 May 2019 - Michelin Bib Gourmand Singapore 2019

Last Saturday saw us triapsing to Bistrot du Vin at Shaw Centre to try some of their famous hearty French fare. We arrived at the Shaw House bistro before 7.30 and I managed to get a car park lot at the opposite Pacific Plaza Building which was a bonus. 

White Asparagus Class Mimosa

Light Mousseline Sauce (very refreshing !) 

For the starters we tried the White Asparagus with Light Mousseline Sauce which was in one word - fantastique - the asparagus was crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside and not at all bitter like those small asparagus shoots we get from the supermarket. The Mousseline sauce was very creamy (probably with alot of milk and butter inside) and was a great accompaniment to the asparagus. Excellent start to the meal.

I chose a glass of Granache which was a very mellow red wine to go with my main, which was the Beef Cheek (see below). 

Beef Cheek 
Joue de boef - Beef Cheek 

The wait staff were very professional and friendly, the seating was in a common hall and the specials were written in chalk on a huge blackboard at the top of the restaurant. I selected the Beef cheek, which is a specialty of the bistro while my wife May ordered the mixed stew of sea bass, golden snapper, prawn and squid. She gave it  a "thumbs up" and it was full of flavour.  

Bariilabaisse (mixed stew) of sea bass, golden snapper, prawns and squid 

The mixed stew was hearty and flavourful, she was impressed by the rather large pot and the servings were ample for 1 person. The flavour of the stew is strong and reminded me of the similar types of hearty stews when we went to Nice France last December. 

The beef cheek was really tender, it practically took no effort to cut through the beef and it was layered with a thick robust tasting sauce which reminded me of Bovril (?). The mashed potatoes were so tender and almost milky, I avoided it owing to my high cholesterol condition. Garnishing of chopped small parsely and carrots made the gravy so tasty. The beef cheek was a winner for me.  

Roasted Loire Pigeon with Girolettes and wild asparagus 

My elder son had the pigeon with girolettes (I guess some mushrooms) and wild asparagus and he found it rather gamey with a strong flavour much like pheasant. I tried it and it tasted lovely as I like strong tasting food. Goose Liver, cheese aged 36 months, etc all I do fancy and I would eat these more often, only if I had't my cholesterol to manage. That is Life, some wonderful tasting things are forbidden and I have to respect that.

My younger son had the Steak Frittes Oconnot Beef (marbelling 4) medium and was not too enthused ; it was rather ordinary. 

All in all a nice hearty meal for 4 , I will not give a review here as only those who are into French food and all its richness will truly appreciate trying the Bistro du Vin coupled with a nice Boujalais,  two or three.   

1 Scotts Road (entrance by side of Shaw Centre)
Singapore 228208 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Bruce Lee interview 1965

I do not own the rights to the movie, I am just copying the embedded IP address for those who visit my blog.

Bruce Lee is the real deal. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Israel History 750 BC till 1917

A History of Present Day Israel from 1917 till 2018

Great Advice from the Motley Fool, Mr. David Kuo ; 4% rule upon retirement.

Here is some great advice from the financial adviser who goes by the moniker of "The Motley Fool", Mr. David Kuo. 

The 4% 'rule' is a guesstimate on how much interest your savings is expected to earn you yearly if you want to retire comfortably, ie. living with perhaps 70% level of your last standard of living if I may be able to quantify it. Lets say you want to retire with an 'outflow' of your savings yearly of $50,000. He suggests multiplying that amount by 25 so you need to have saved (ideally through rigorous savings, investment gains, business gains and inheritance) approximately $1.25 million. 

If you do not want to downgrade your existing property, then that amount should be kept in liquid assets. He estimates that these savings earned annually should appreciate 4% if it is still being continually invested wisely in a mix of equities, bonds, some cash and maybe a spare property or two. 

Bear in mind inflation of 3% annually will eat into the interest, so his company The Motley Fool will aim to earn upwards of 7% so that the savings saved is indeed kept intact and even growing through these uncertain times of US - China Trade Wars, the slowing down of our economies as we struggle to adapt to the new ways of doing and managing business and our lives are intertwined inextricably with our jobs, work and our companies.Our families should always be the reason we are existing, but our life's work if it can be quantified, should stand the passage of time. Our legacy is ours to create. 

Retirement can be optional, but the mind and body slowing down  and going to a funk is inevitable, but we can slow the process down by rigorous exercise, proper choices in food, living in clean environments and even taking health supplements like I do and have done so for the last 14 years without stopping.    

Another point to note is that you (and I) should be very well insured for all kinds of potential mishaps which require hospitalization fees, loss of earned income, and the slow loss of mobillity - whenever that strikes, it comes very fast as I have seen with close and dear friends recently.

Money, while it is necessary for a good life, doesn't necessarily lead to a good death, hence the thinking I have currently is to help the less fortunate people while I still have the energy and means to do so. That act itself will open my views to experiencing and maybe having empathy for those truly in need.

Death comes in whatever form, so be prepared for it, mentally,financially and physically by accepting the changes that will inevitably occur in time.  

Sushi Kou - Great Sashimi and Excellent Service

Our family have frequented Sushi Kou at Orchid Hotel along Tras Street for 3 years now. That in itself is a feat given my wife's extremely high standards in wanting to eat tasty, clean food and with the requirement of a changing menu every few months. Never an easy task.

Located along the walkway of the Orchid Hotel along Tras Street, the establishment is helmed by a Mr. Anthony Tan and his fine crew of 3 chefs and 3 serving staff.

Piece de Resistance, Sashimi 

Sushi Kou's sashimi always is excellent. The fish is freshly flown in from either Hokkaido or Tokyo's Tsujiki market and we normally order the following types of fish which never disappoints.

- swordfish
- tuna belly (otoro)
- scallops
-sea urchin (uni) ; the edible part
- salmon belly

Lately there has been in season fresh oysters, so we normally have a couple per person

Sushi Kou's boss Mr. Anthony Tan makes it a point to always seat my family even when they are quite full, so I am most appreciative of his support.

California Maki 

Depending on what we order, the bill per person easily comes to S$60 and above per person (including a couple of glasses of beer at $6 per glass). Our family of 4 normally has the following, starters of sashimi and whatever else is in season like oysters, some vegetable tempura , grilled cheek of flying fish or yellowtail.

Next, we will have the sushi which is normally the stamina rolls (soft shell crab), unagi rolls and perhaps California Maki. 

 Unagi (grilled eel) Rolls 

For the young men in our family, they will then order a side dish of a (beef or pork ) katsu don, followed with some miso soup.

To round off the meal, we will normally order each a scoop of ice cream which is not too creamy and with their typical Japanese flavours ; 1 of each so 4 to share amongst the 4 of us.

a) Green (Matcha) Tea
b) Black Sesame
c) Salted Sea Caramel
d) Plain Milky Vanilla

The facade inside the sushi restaurant

So my review with the scores below :

1. Food :  4.8 / 5 

Very fresh fish ; tasty choices and fully satisfying

2. Service : 4.9 / 5  

Almost Full Marks again, Mr. Tan and his crew must be commended for application of Ikigai or the art of focussing on the small tasks and creating the right dining mood for us.

3. Ambience :  3.5 / 5  

Some let down as the building is old and there were times when the air conditioning (HVAC) vent system didn't function properly. Fortunately they had the presence of mind to use high powered fans to enhance the cooling environment.    

4. Price        : $$$       ;
Be prepared to pay $ 60 - 80 per person if ordering sashimi, which is their speciality.

Overall        :  4.4 / 5


1 Tras Link (by the side of Orchid Hotel ; Tras Road)
Singapore 078867 

Tel : 6444 8433 

Groundbreaking News. Peridontal Disease could be the cause of Alzheimer's Disease

There has been recent groundbreaking news that there is a causal link between Peridontal Disease and Alzheimer's Disease. Alzheimer'...