Saturday, January 4, 2020

Being Alive every morning is Awesome and I am grateful

My Rain Shower for the last 18 years 

In the last few years, I have routinely made use of the rain shower in the 3rd floor of my house. 

The feeling of cold water rushing down your body while you look up into the morning or night sky is indescribable.

I would like to share it with my readers. If you ever get the chance to shower - try it.

I feel so indebted to my parents, family and my past that indeed life can be enjoyed by the simplest of acts.

Good Morning 4th Jan 2020 !  

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Be Thou My Vision

My late father Geoffrey's favorite hymn and this will be one of the first hymns I will endeavor to learn and master.

2020 New Year Resolutions - Simple ; Easy ; Step by Step

My Son Andrew's 22nd Birthday Recently 

Here are my New Year Resolutions ; No Fuss, No Excuses Just Set them out for the world to see.  So if I miss them and fall flat on my face. The world will laugh at me with no mercy. 

1. Say "No" more effectively.
2. Be On Time ; no later than 10 minutes late  (need to count this and compare)
3. Honor what I say ; Less empty promises.
4. Lose 3 kg and keep it there
5. Be a better swimmer
6. Be a better piano player.
7. Manage $ better

Say "No" more Effectively and when Necessary

Say "No" more effectively - I need to be more assertive in saying "No". Saying "Yes" when not considering the the consequences can turn out bad in the future. So I need to do this NOW.

Be On Time

Time management ; if I agree to meet someone or there is an agreed time to meet for class, a meeting or scheduled doctor's appointment. I MUST plan better time management to ensure there is X minutes plus +15 before that appointment to be there on time.

Honor What I Say

Deeply personal and a committment for me by me and a core value.

Lose 3 kg and keep it there

The battle is a daily one where I have a concious effort to eat less and exercise more. Sounds easy ? But one of the most difficult things I have encountered in my life.

Be a Better Swimmer

As my running is winding down and I am running less due to wear and tear on my joings and tendons, I will swim more and a target of 20 laps each day 3 X a week is my goal

Be a Better Piano Player

Take lessons, Youtube and others and play 20 songs in time for our 60th gathering sooner than I would expect. 

Manage $$ better 

Eat wisely, spend less on the dining and be happier for it. Make the profit from  really high expectation year with provisions for savings, donations, and myself. Starting today.  

Saturday, December 28, 2019

3 goals seal an amazing comeback win against 10 man Man City

This game of football is so unpredictable ; I actually woke up at 3.30 am to watch the game between Wolves and City ; at half time I had switched off the TV and went to bed, convinced that there was no justice in the football world, with Wolves conceding a very dubious (hardly any intended contact) penalty taken twice by England international Raheem Sterling before the goal was accepted.

Wolves were down 1 - 0 against a 10 man city side ; To make matters worse, they went down 2 - 0 after Sterling lobbed the ball over Patricio in the 55th minute to make it 2 - 0. 

It was as if a script out of the Twilight Zone ; then came this man Adama Traore ; an unstoppable and unmarkable player - the stuff of nightmares for opposing teams. Incredibly fast, skillful, strong and a good footballing brain to boot.

He rounded off a brilliant Wolves counter, Neves stealing the ball off the careless Sterling and Adama unleashed a thunderbolt from 25 yards leaving the City goalkeeper Bravo no chance. 

1 - 2 ; Game On !

In the 81st minute, Adama again stole or bumped off a tiring Mendy making a mockery of his International standing, nutmegged Brazilian Fernandinho and passed the ball out of reach of Rodrigo for Raul Jiminez to slot home.

2 - 2 ;  We have a Game !

In the 89th minute, an enlightend Matt Doherty did a neat 1 - 2 with Jiminez, rounded off 1 desperate lunge from Gundauan and curved the ball passed the hapless Bravo.

3 - 2  ; Wolves.

Needless to say, the top blew off Molineux that evening, with people hugging, crying and just plain drunkedly happy with the wicked win over the Champions.

Wolves, you have arrived. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Wolves 4 Bestikas 0

A masterclass in controlling play, with fine wing form from Pedro Neto, Winback Reuben Vinagre and clinical finishing from Diogo Jota (hat- trick) and  Leander Dendoncker.

Of their new boys, Taylor Perry, Kilman, Burr, and Otosowi impressed tremendously. 

Wolves, the future looks very brght. !

WUI - Writing under the Influence - Here is my take

 I sure you have heard or seen of the word DUI, that is Driving under the Influence of Alcohol which can be punishable by a stiff fine or ev...