Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 New Year Resolutions - Simple ; Easy ; Step by Step

My Son Andrew's 22nd Birthday Recently 

Here are my New Year Resolutions ; No Fuss, No Excuses Just Set them out for the world to see.  So if I miss them and fall flat on my face. The world will laugh at me with no mercy. 

1. Say "No" more effectively.
2. Be On Time ; no later than 10 minutes late  (need to count this and compare)
3. Honor what I say ; Less empty promises.
4. Lose 3 kg and keep it there
5. Be a better swimmer
6. Be a better piano player.
7. Manage $ better

Say "No" more Effectively and when Necessary

Say "No" more effectively - I need to be more assertive in saying "No". Saying "Yes" when not considering the the consequences can turn out bad in the future. So I need to do this NOW.

Be On Time

Time management ; if I agree to meet someone or there is an agreed time to meet for class, a meeting or scheduled doctor's appointment. I MUST plan better time management to ensure there is X minutes plus +15 before that appointment to be there on time.

Honor What I Say

Deeply personal and a committment for me by me and a core value.

Lose 3 kg and keep it there

The battle is a daily one where I have a concious effort to eat less and exercise more. Sounds easy ? But one of the most difficult things I have encountered in my life.

Be a Better Swimmer

As my running is winding down and I am running less due to wear and tear on my joings and tendons, I will swim more and a target of 20 laps each day 3 X a week is my goal

Be a Better Piano Player

Take lessons, Youtube and others and play 20 songs in time for our 60th gathering sooner than I would expect. 

Manage $$ better 

Eat wisely, spend less on the dining and be happier for it. Make the profit from  really high expectation year with provisions for savings, donations, and myself. Starting today.  

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