Saturday, November 25, 2017

Paves - Baby

This is a brand new band from the UK, and I like this single called 'Baby'. have a listen and decide for yourself. They have potential to be chart toppers ?  

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

An excellent goalkeeper is worth 2 outfield players ; Reading 0 - Woves 2

this is an excellent season for the Wolves, so I am very proud of their owners, the manager / coach and players. Most importantly the die-hard long suffering fans from the West Midlands you deserve the top of the table result so badly.

This game I would rate John Ruddy the Wolves stalwart and captain as the Man of the Match, at least on 3 occasions he single handedly (pun intended) kept Wolves with a 0 deficit when it could easiy have been 3 - 0 or at least 2 - 0. 

The strikers did their job yes, but the unsung heros of the defence and especially the goalkeeper, John Ruddy deserves my Man of the Match for this win.  

Greetings from a fan (yes, fair weather but changing fast) from Singapore 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Another Hero Gone ; Goodbye Malcolm Young ; Lead Guitarist AC/DC

This is the penultimate AC/DC song for me. "Highway to Hell". Surprisingly it does not glorify the Evil One,as people who do not know and want to criticise. Instead, the lyrics tell of the singer, who has lived the life according to his own values and most likely when the time comes, if he gets judged by the Man upstairs, he is on the way via the Highway to Hell.
Malcolm is the lead guitarist of AC/DC and he is in the same league as Keith Richards of Rolling Stones. AC/DC contrary to popular belief is not from the UK but Australia. The Angus brothers were, however, born in Scotland before their family migrated to Australia when they were children. 

This video was shot in River Plate Stadium,with 250,000 heaving and ecstatic fans. Malcolm and his brother, Angus Young, were really giving a performance par excellence. In a predominantly Catholic country, it is refreshing to see so many people, young and old appreciate the art of AC / DC. The band was definately relishing their performance to the sellout crowd who literally had the time of their lives. This live band performance and the wild participation from the fans is a real bonus ! 

In my early days, I did not even want to listen to their music. Now, especially after Iron Man 2, I love their songs, especially Highway to Hell. Its so 'in Your face' !  

My hero ? Michael J. Fox

A video detailing the early signs of Parkinson's disease, before the tremors. 
a) Small handwriting
b) Loss of Smell

My hero for several years now, has been Michael J. Fox, of Family Ties fame. He shot into stardom at an early age (in the early 20s) with the Back to the Future series, playing the Marty McFly character to much commercial success.

In 1991, when he was barely 30 years old, he discovered he had Parkinson's disease, a dibilitating disease which till today there is no cure. However, through his sheer effort, he formed the Michael J. Fox foundation and it is doing very well with lots of sponsoships and visibility.

His humility, humour and sheer resilience in the face of this disease is admirable, having battled this monster on a daily basis for the last 36 years. I am truly in admiration of this man, who has 4 children, and has written several books since his diagnosis, one of the most memorable being " Lucky Man".

Never take your situation or condition as the end of the world, the world goes on with or without you. So, wake up each morning and thank God that you are here and you have your health, your wits and your loved ones.

Keep pressing on with all your might ; find a cause which is close to your values and pursue it with conviction. You will be the better for it.  If you haven't found a cause, keep looking and like Steve Jobs said, never settle. 

Stay Hungry, and Be Foolish. Only then will we be facing adversities and growing. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Gen IGen ? Fake news is the order of the day. People are getting brain lazy, apathetic and the art of interpersonal relationships is being seriously threatened.


       There is a new generation of people, called the IGen, (I guess its a play on the IPhone) ; these people, young and old are addicted to their smartphones. They are being inundated daily with news feeds which are increasingly being viewed by me as from a dubious source. Half truths are being perpetuated as 'news' and the people cooking these up all have an 'agenda'. So where is the objectivity of news ?  We need to have a discerning mind so that we can think really for ourselves is this the actual situation or is this an article which is 'framed' to impart an opinion so as to influence public perception. This then is what people can an 'op - ed'.  It is inevitable that reporters or writers will put in a 'bias' or slant on things or events which they report. So skip the written article and view the event on Youtube. Again, there is the possible 'framing' of the video if taken not in real time, but edited to take out certain bits and then present it to the unsuspecting public (like Trump's visit to Japan and where he fed the koi fish, together with President Abe and the MSM press only focussed on Trump tossing his entire box of fish food indicating or giving the impression he was not respecting tradition,culture and protocol ; the actual longer footage taken by CNBC (I think) shows Abe throwing out his entire box first, then followed by Trump. The MSM media edited out the first bit on Abe and focussed on Trump, giving further evidence to the impression that this President was one who did'nt care about respect, protocol and the centuries old culture of a long time post war friend.  

            We have 'Stomp' the news portal of AsiaOne which in a nutshell shows local people doing horrible things in public and then being filmed and the footage goes viral on social media.

            IGen, is a malaise of the world where the smartphone has made us dumb. For example, I am less used to thinking of where this street is, in context of Singapore as I am reliant on GoogleMaps and my Garmin provides me up to the last 5 metres of my destination where I want to go by car. I lose track of how to get to my destination in my head, forget the roads leading up to my destination and I am ever dependent on technology to make my life simpler.

          If in the event of an emergency, I need to rush to a certain friend or relative's place, I will be struggling to recall what road the house or apartment is. In short, I have become dumb and not utilising my brain as it has not been used to remember road names and relying on the general direction of the roads and expressway. This is just one of the dumbing down of me (and society in general) that I am aware I am sinking into, so I try to be aware of that fact and make the necessary adjustments lest I become so dependent on the technology. 

          If I can advise people 1 important thing, 'get off the grid ! '.  See the forest making up the entirety of the numerous trees, seize the beauty of the day and enjoy the moment as living life.

         When we look up from our phones, we see beauty, simplicity and joy. Why do we jump into the virtual world which is entirely man made and when we can't appreciate even the most basic of nature's beauty right before our eyes ?  

         Seize the Moment.     

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Loss of a friend sets me thinking again

Today I saw in the obituary section a picture of a friend, more an acquaintence of mine during our University years at the NTI. Noel was a year older than us and he studied in the Electrical Engineering School. We met occasionally at the canteens and he hung out with another clique whereas I was never really into any cliques choosing to have individual groups of friends at different occasions. He had passed away on 5th November, at the age of 56. 

He was the MD of a telecommunications company and I had met him some 3 years ago with a mutual friend (Fat Yap) at the Serangoon Gardens and we chatted over coffee about how time flew and fortunes of people who we knew in common. 

He never married and left behind parents, and siblings. I was stunned for a while, then reflective about what I am doing in this world. 

The point which was reminded again clearly to me was that life is finite, it can be short, or long, but is it meaningful to ME ? Set clear priorities and some goals and chase after them, make friends, get good friends, find a partner fall in love, start a family (or not), work, have a long and meaningful (hopefully it pays well) career, start a business, these are all activities which are expected by our other halves, our children, our parents, our colleagues, bosses and people around us. 

Stop and think for a minute. 

Whats it all about ?  Life. 

Take the Purpose Driven Path, set forth and go after whatever you set out to be. There will be shitty times, so called friends will betray you, you may lose you partner, ill health will threaten to throw the whole thing out and reset your path, death of loved ones and setbacks, financial, health, (mental and physical),economic challenges will all come several at the same time.

At the end of it all, I must be satisfied that I lived it the way I ought to have lived it, with a sense of purpose, which indeed give some benefit and uplift to the people that mean the most to me, my family and my close friends.  Seeing them make and achieve something of their lives will be the ultimate satisfaction.

Monetary gratification and wealth generation will never appease me totally. So just make enough to say, OK, thats it. Easier said than done, so make sure I save and spend less than I earn.

Then I can say, thats it.  I have Seized the Day.  Its the end of my journey. 


WUI - Writing under the Influence - Here is my take

 I sure you have heard or seen of the word DUI, that is Driving under the Influence of Alcohol which can be punishable by a stiff fine or ev...