There are basically 4 ranges of shoes for runners :
1. Motion Control
2. Stability
3. Neutral - Cushioned
4. Performance Trainers
1. Motion Control - These are for those with moderate to severe flat feet; that is moderate to severe overpronators.
These shoes have support on the arch (midsole) side of their shoes. Good for larger build runners.
2. Stability - These shoes are for those with mild to moderate flat feet.These shoes have good support and midsole
3. Neutral Cushioned- For maximum midsole cushioning, that is runners who are bioechanically efficient and run
with their midsole or forefoot hitting the ground first
4. Performance - If you are a racer,and are biomechanically efficient runner,this shoe is for you. It is lightweight.
These are my current 3 pairs ;
1. (Left) Nike Triax - Neutral Cushioned Shoe ; Price S$ 165 at Nike Bird ; Wonderful support and feeld good after each run.
2. (Centre) Asics Kayano - Motion Control Shoe ; Price S$ 196 at Queensway SC ;
I love this shoe as it provides great support for my midsole plus it
protects my heel and forefoot. Best shoe for me so far, I have 6 pairs !
3. (Right) New Balance 1223 - Stability Shoe ; Price S$ 168 from Velocity NB Store ;
Good midsole cushioning but forefoot cushioning not very good. Only for short runs.
Best Shoe in the World by Runners World 2007
1. Asics Gel Nimbus 9 - Price : S$ 180 from Queensway SC ;
Neutral Cushioned Shoe with proprietary Impact Guidance System (Gel) which permeates upon
So which shoe for you ? If you are normal arched any of the 3 shoes I have would be OK.
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