The Singapore Bay Run for 2008 will begin at 6.00 am Sunday 24th August. I have signed up for it (Competitive) and so have my colleagues and friends in Singapore. It starts at the Esplanade Drive (the road outside the 'Durian') and takes us down the Shenton Way, turn left and up Sheares Bridge and towards East Coast Park, turn back around Fort Road and head back towards the Floating Platform where the National Day Parade is held.My target time : 2 hours 5 minutes or below.
It is a great warm-up to getting used to the long distances such as the marathon. Rest Well, Hydrate Yourself,Smile and Enjoy the Run ! Oh and the medal is quite nice too (see picture). Its made of shiny bronze.
Good warming up for Mark,this year SC Marathon 42km Mark will do below 4hrs.QRA target for Mark :-)
Wow, you are great! Keep it up.
Thank you all for your comments and support !
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