Saturday, July 12, 2008

What's Your Foot Type ? Try the Wet Test

To get the best protection and value from my running shoes, after all they are designed for various types of feet,I decided to try the Runner's World Wet Test. The steps are as shown below :

1. Place a heavy dry piece of drawing block paper on the floor outside your shower cubicle.
2. Wet your feet by showering on them or stand in your bathtub while completely immersing your foot in water.
3. Place your foot normally onto the dry piece of drawing block for 10 - 20 seconds
4. Step off and Look Down
5. Observe the shape of your foot

1. Picture on Top : Flat Arch - If you see the line drawn, where you see almost your entire imprint. You are an overpronator.
That is,a microsecond after your footstrike,your arch collapses inward too much and resulting
in excessive foot motion and increasing your risk of injuries.

2. Picture Below : Normal (Medium) Arch - If you see half your arch (like my imprint),then you are a normal pronator, that is
when your foot lands on the floor, it will pronate or 'roll' a little inwards and
absorbs some of the impact shock. This is the most common foot type.

3. Picture on Top : High Arch - If you see your heel, your ball of your foot and a thin line on the outside of your foot (I have
drawn a line to illustrate this footprint), you have a high arch. This is the least common foot
type.You are likely an underpronator, or supinator which can result in too much shock
travelling through your body since your arch doesn't collapse enough to absorb the shock on
foot impact.

So, what shoe for what foot type ? See my next Post.

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