I bought my first set of Toto numbers today,obviously influenced by the S$ 10 Million 'Hong Bao' draw and the frenzy cooked up by the newspapers in recent days. This morning I went to the neighbourhood Coronation Plaza and queued up with the Filipino and Indonesian maids,retirees and some contractors who happened to be passing by and also trying their luck. I had no idea how the Toto system worked so was in effect a clueless first timer. I picked up several Toto forms and filled up 1number per box (!). I just plucked numbers from the air,and filled up 6 boxes with 1 number n each box ! Not knowing what System 7 was (apparently it was for 7 numbers all coming out accurately). I asked the Indonesian maid who was next to me and she also had some numbers (they were 6) sent to her by her friend - she as also a first timer - so she filled in the form same as me.Confidently I queued - luckily it was not a long queue - and presented my filled in form.
" Sir, what you doing ah ??" the NTUC cashier asked me and gave me a look of "another blur sucker first time play Toto, gimme a break "
" Must fill in 7 numbers in 1 box"
Crestfallen, I went to the back of the queue,threw out my coupon and picked again random numbers and filled out the forms as per her instructions. I asked some Singaporean contractors this time around whether I had filled the forms right.
Upon reaching the counter, I beamed at the Aunty and said :
" Wish me luck OK ?"
She shot me a pained look with ("why me ?" written all over her face), she also
double checked that I had filled the coupon corectly.It was over in 10 seconds,I had 4 sets of 7 numbers and :
At least until tonight, when I will listen to the results and say what a dumb ass I am throwing S$ 14 bucks down the drain, when the chances of 6 numbers coming out (1st prize) are 45 x 45 x 45 x 45 x 45 x 45 x 45 or 1 in 8,303,765,625 (1 in 8 billion).
At least it was fun for a while.
Mark, I had the same problem - inspired by the huge payout and bought toto for the very first time too. Unfortunately only got 2 numbers drawn - $3.50 down the drain!!
I lost S$ 14 bucks. Also 2 numbers drawn.Could have bought us a nice 'mee siam' lunch at Coronation. Dang.
i also had the same problems, mark.:-( i know how u feel :)
You buy so small only?
I buy so big leh!
about 80 big 80 small.
now i lose i very angry
i wack people for nothing
omg why am i turning green?
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