Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Giessen Town Old Castle Visit 3rd May 2009

Midway up to the Tower of the AlteSchloss (Old Castle) in the heart of Giessen town

After the very pleasant walk in the Botanical Gardens, Kannan and I made our way to the Altes Schloss or Old Castle in the heart of the small town Giessen.Built around the year 1130, it served as the lookout against the enemies from the village and is still in excellent condition.

The view of the Giessen town from the top of the tower

Giessen has typically been a small town with the luminary Leipig family (makers of the Leipig pork paste similar to Bovril)
providing the business momentum in the centuries past, the University which has many foreign students and several factories such as Enders (furniture) and of course Weiss Umweltechnik and Weiss Kliatechnik in Lindenstruth providing much of the funds inflow to th town.

Up to the Tower on the winding stone staircase

It has several places of interest like the Botanic Gardens,Mathematics and Chemistry Museums as well as their own brewed beer called Licher beer which is brewed in a microbrewery in the restaurant Alt Giessen. For a town of 80,000 it has a pleasant mix of some modernity as well as the ancient buildings reminding the inhabitants of their heritage and culture. In addition,the countryside is really splendid to view in late spring and early summer with clear blue skies and the flowers in full bloom.

The huge bell in the Tower

Being Protestant Christians (Lutherans), Christianity is the main religion in Germany but sadly, many Germans do not profess to any faith at all.

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