Sunday, May 24, 2009

Globalisation - We can't go back.Ever Onward

Photo of Worldwide Representatives outside the Weiss Factory ;

Every year or so I have the opportunity to visit the Germany factory in Giessen where our major principal,Weiss Technik is located and every year or so I leave with a slightly modified perception of the country,Germany and the continent,Europe which is in a state of constant transition. This year's completed Sales training which was held 2 weeks ago hammered home how global and interconnected the world had become whereby I had the opportunity to be served by Asian counterpeople in fastfood joints , Turkish sales cashiers in the Karstadt supermarket and young German food servers in Subway. Yes, they may be menial jobs but it is apparent that the extent of which a small town like Giessen (80,000) can be quite cosmopolitan means that there are practically hundreds of small towns and cities all over Europe and the world which are exhibiting the same colouful melting pot of races and interactions at personal, business and even politicial levels.

People want a constant in their lives, be it something familiar in the food, language or shared hobbies or experiences and when travelling,these are the 'signposts' which stick out wherever we may be. We always flock to these 'signposts' whenever we are away from home to find comfort in the familiar
tastes,language twangs or even similar looking people.So for me one constant is Food.Paradoxically,when I was in Germany for 1 week, I missed eating Subway and made a beeline for the food outlet to get a taste of the familiar Tuna 6" Sub. Not wanton noodles, not chicken rice, not mee siam, but Subway.

Another constant for me is Running.I run and make an effort to bring my runing shoes to wherever I visit if its for a short 2 day trip or a 10 day sightseeing tour. A 10km or 8km in any country based on my usual speed (5.30 to 6 minutes per km) is still 10 km. That is my Second constant.

With globalisation, we have Chinese food now prepared by true blue German chefs in a castle centuries old. Even in simple German eateries in a small town like Giessen they have every weekend "Chinishe spiesekarte" or Chinese Menu. Shocking ? A fad ? No. Well it is because the Chinese have been going to places and making their presence felt. More so, it has taken over the Japanese and Indian cuisines as the 'cuisine nouvelle' and it is fashionable to dine at authentic Chinese restaurants using the same Kikkoman soy sauces and Wasabe (green radish) all imported. There is also Chinese acupuncture and foot reflexology studios and Muay Thai kickboxing schools all in this small town of Giessen.

Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale, the Wolf and the Seven Goats

So, no continent is isolated from Globalisation or the impact of foreign cultures influencing the way we eat,drink,behave,or even think. There was a tour to Marburg where the Tour Guide was giving her take on the town which was the home for the Brothers Grimm. The Wolf and the 7 Goats, the Smart Crow etc. etc. I am sure we have heard some of the fairy tales from young.

Truly on the outside,we will look different,talk with funny accents but actually we are a big Global Family with similar problems,hobbies,ideas,values and dreams.

The days of Them and Us are truly over. Its We are the World now.


Spiderman/PeterParker said...

A truly inspiring speech. i am touched by ur awesome-ness and BTW,

im ur



noel said...

hey dont insult spiderman i am the real spiderman xoxoxo ps. I love u all, my fans.

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 I sure you have heard or seen of the word DUI, that is Driving under the Influence of Alcohol which can be punishable by a stiff fine or ev...