Andrew in the Basement of our House
The School Mid Year Exams are finally over and the Boys are due their relaxation and recreation time. As many parents around Singapore heave a sigh of relief, I must place it on record that to 'simply let go' is not the way to go. Of course time off with their friends and distractions like computer games are important but the parents must draw the line and make the line clear to their youths and charges.This I mean by sticking to a 'curfew time' (time to be home) and not changing radically the free times alloted and the need to keep up to date with the homework set out by the school and tuition teachers.

Ping Pong Squash - Hitting a Ping Pong Ball against the Wall
As a father of a teenage and preteen boys, I am always challenged by what father and son activities are out there whereby we can make time to destress and bond. Sports is one excellent way to do so and while it is good to do the family holiday thing every year or two, it in my opinion only shows up a side of the person. By this I mean, when on holiday,people normally do not exhibit their true day to day selves.

Betty from Hong Kong paying Andrew a visit
In this Internet,Facebook and Twitter enabled world, while we are connected, we are also alienated by this fact that our children and friends are but a phone call away. This lulls us into a false sense of being there when we are there electronically but in reality nothing beats a face to face meeting for a meal or a drink.
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