Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ho Chih Minh Vietnam First Impressions

Ho Chih Minh posters and statues are very practically everywhere,along streets and the town square

On my very first visit to Vietnam, Ho Chih Minh city, I am struck by the sheer amount of motorcycles jamming literally every street and road leading from the airport. Once you get out of the airport vicinity, the jam is omnipresent and is made much worse during 'rush hour' which happens everyday from 5pm to 7pm. I am there on a business trip with Stanley Wong, a business associate and friend and my first impressions are normally the lasting ones of a new city or country.The 1975 'victory' or pull out by the Americans has not dampened the spirit of the Vietnamese who are very proud of this fact.

Street vendor selling laptop coverings in all colours, something pretty common in Ho Chih Minh

Visiting my customer in one of the industrial parks in the outskirts of HCM, I hear that the Vietnamese are very independent minded and unlike the peoples of Malaysia and Singapore who are more cooperative and compliant. The fact that they liberated themselves by an armed struggle with the leadership of the much loved Ho Chih Minh must surely be one of the causes of this mentality. They have problems following rules and respecting heirarchy,according to an American chiropractor who has lived in Ho Chih Minh for 5 years.

Strainer made of aluminium (or stainless steel) to ensure finess of the coffee.

Having a coffee in mid morning is a pleasure which, I find unique only to Vietnam. Plenty of Vitnamese working people are in these coffee houses and restaurants at all times of day leading me to believe they can afford to take things leisurely.
The strong black coffe is presented with a strainer made of either aluminium or stainless steel and is VERY STRONG. Its robustness is apparent when you drink it and there is condensed milk to sweeten it as well as a cup of jasmine tea to drown out any aftertaste. Strongly recommended for coffee lovers !!

Original Vietnamese Coffee, double espresso, with condensed milk to sweeten the robustness and acidity

Hundreds upon hundreds of Motorbikes, causing untold damage to the environment in carbon monoxide pollution and health

The traffic here is chaotic and crossing the road even at traffic junctions is a test of your sanity and courage. The motorbikers come in ALL DIRECTIONS and there is no respect for traffic crossing or lights even at some major interesctions.
Cross at your own peril but DONT RUN. The motorcyclists have a way of avoiding you at every corner or main road.

Motorcycles everywhere, even spilling on the walkways during rush hour

Another observation I made is there is no spitting by the people, who are friendly. No beggers, no sleaze and everyone has a sense of decorum and dignity. They may be poor but they have respect and honesty to every visitor. Yes the Communists won here and they are the REAL DEAL, what the West (read America and her allies) had done in the past and wants the rest of the world is in my mind politically motivated.

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