Wednesday, June 10, 2009

No Place Like Home

Books next to my bed

Its almost midnight, Tuesday 9th June and I have had an exhausting day in Kuala Lumpur meeting with 5 different groups of people for negotiations and working lunch. The pace has not slackened since I started my business,except that with more staff on board, things have to move at a quicker pace and higher goals to achieve sales numbers year on year.

As I chill out at the small open space outside my home, I ponder when the worldwide economic crisis will end and growth will finally come to our countries and what will be the engines which drive the world economy. We have had the Internet, the dot com boom and bust, the Asian Recovery and since September last year. Things have been on a virtual drop in economic growth,export numbers, visitor arrivals as well as tonnage shipped by air or by sea.

Andrew with his Famous Five Book

When I reach home, I am comforted that it is my refuge from the dog-eat-dog world and can forget about the troubles and pressures of work. The sight of my family and the warmth of the house is one which I remind myself that I must treasure for a long time.

Watching Prison Break

Small squabbles between the boys like who gets to use the TV remote and home PC are now taking centre-stage.They have finished their assigned homework today and can use some computer time. As the grow up and mature to be young men, I remind myself to Seize the Day and spend as much time with them in their growing years which will encompass many challenges,setbacks, joys, sorrows and excitement.

I am back and home and there is no place like it in the world for me. :)

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