Saturday, November 28, 2009

Parents Joint Birthday Celebrations 28th Nov 2009

My parents with my wife May and Joanna (domestic help)

Today was the joint birthday celebration of my Dad and Mum's birthday as it was the weekend. My Dad turned 90 on Monday 23rd November, and my Mum turns 79 on 30th November. I celebrated my birthday on the 27th (yesterday) with a separate dinner.

My brother John and I arranged to meet at the Li Bai Cantonese restaurant at Sheraton Towers together with our families and our parents. My father who is a retired lawyer was keen to eat the Peking Duck from Li Bai. Our Boys, Noel and Andrew have come to regard the family gatherings as one of great communion between our families and also to update one another about their school activities and grades.

Anna Abisheganaden (79) with her Grandchildren, Hannah (5), Noel (15) and Andrew (12)

My Mum is still as energetic as when she was 50, and I am hoping I can inherit her industriousness and never-say-die attitude towards life and its challenges. My Dad, though he is wheelchair bound, still reads the Bible every day and prays for his Grandchildren every night without fail. They are indeed an inspiration to me and our Boys. Many years ago, Dad was one of the top criminal lawyers in Singapore assisting the first Chief Minister, David Marshall in many cases and being the Godfather to Mr. Marshall's only son Jonathon.

Geoffrey Abisheganaden at 90

My mother was the Personal Assistant to 4 Permanent Secretaries, a record till today, and her last boss was Dr. Kwa Soon Bee. Ever energetic with swimming, badminton, running and even martial arts in her earlier days, she is still active now going to the wet market and cooling dinners for us on occasion. Truly I am blessed to have them as parents.


Crow said...

i like this online post very much...very touching...ur a wonderfull son....although i`m not close with my parents after reading this post..i hope to change

Seize the Day said...

Thanks Risha for your compliments.I don't think I am a wonderful son though. As we grow older, we finally appreciate and understand how much love, effort,time and sacrifice our parents have given to us without expecting anything in return.Its time we give something back,however small that something may be.

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