Kannan, Fred Schweitzer and I
17th November was the 2nd National Photovoltaic Conference held at Putrajaya Malaysia. Attended by over 1200 professionals and businesspeople, it was very heartening to see many people from all the different sectors of industry showing great interest in this promising young field. As one of the renewable and green sources of energy, Solar Energy has been around in simpler forms such as the energy used for heating water and even some basic form of street lighting.
A segment of the 1,200 attendees
The downside is the conversion or efficiency ratio from the Solar energy to first Direct Current. Currently it is still no more than 18% of total energy received by the solar panels (lots of energy go to waste) and then storing it in a battery before passing through an alternator to convert it to AC current. So it is still a rather tedious process even with the advancement of the technology. However, countries in the EU like Germany and Spain have offered a lot of Government grants for farmers to convert from their conventional diary farming to this energy farming. So they get grants from the Government, followed by ease of selling off the excess electricity back to the Electrical Grid which makes PV or Photovoltaic Energy so attractive.
Intense interest in Photovoltaics and their applications
The situation is the same in S.E.Asia as both the Malaysian and Singapore Governments have been active pushing the Green Agenda and it is hoped that I can make some business foray into this area in the near future.
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