Monday, March 21, 2011

Japan, Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Threat

80 year old Japanese grandmother and grandson found alive under rubble, 8 days after earthquake struck Japan

Over 1 week ago, while I was still in Ho Chi Minh, I got reports on Facebook that Japan suffered the most terrible disaster of over 60 years since the Second World War. The country was first hit by an undersea earthquake under the seas of North Eastern Japan, followed by huge Tsunamis (killer waves of height and unparalled velocity) impacting on coastal towns and within the next day. the Fukushima prefecture housing Nuclear Reactors started overheating and threatening to melt-down.

As the world watched with horror, and bated breath. I am awed and very impressed by the Japanese people's stoic and calm behavior to the calamities befalling them. They were patiently queueing for food, queueing for their blankets in the evacuation centers, weeping quietly for their missing loved ones and friends and though they may be shocked, apparently still have compassion to reach out and help each other.What  tremendous cohesiveness for a nation. Truly, inspiring and awesome calmness in the face of a major disaster in modern times !

No scenes of screaming, shoving, fighting or anger at the authorities. No belly aching or complaining about having to wait longer than necessary to go to the toilet. In fact, they were apologising for inconviencing the rescue operations personnel who were out looking for the more severely wounded or trapped.

It makes me feel very embarrased, that our so called 'developed' country is still far for the standards of civic responsiveness and mindsets of the people of Japan. We may have nice cars and big houses, but the size of our hearts - at the end of the day - is truly what matters. We can learn alot from Japan in terms of response to disasters. Look at what our little flooding in Orchard Road led to, plenty of complaining and bitching on the internet and Forum Pages. Are we too soft ? Are we too intolerant  ?

I am truly saddened by what has happened to Japan in the last 10 days, but I am sure, like any great civilisation, they will rise above this and any other crisis.

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