Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Friends

My mother, Anna, June 2009

Every second Sunday of the year, the world traditionally celebrates Mothers' Day, so I  am reminded about the wonderful love and care my dear mother, Anna, showered on the both of us brothers when we were young, during our teenage years, early adulthood and into middle age. 

Anna was frugal, but with a kind soul. She helped everyone who came to her, as was her nature. She was the eldest of the Wen family (my maternal grandfather was called Wen P.C.), so had the leadership instincts honed in from young. My mother, was initially from a well - off family, which saw its fortunes fall in the early 1940s to 1960s. So she had to raise her younger sisters and brothers together with my Por Por.  Life then was very hard, having suffered  first under the Japanese occupation, and then when my Grandfather left the family for a number of years, leaving them with virtually nothing.

After marrying my father, their fortunes changed for the better, but my mother's frugal ways was always evident, always scrimping and saving and making wise purchasing decisions on property (local and foreign) , equities, antiques (I am still learning), jade and gold trading. She was the 'money brains' of the family while my father was the successful barrister well regarded for his debating acumen as well as his generous contributions to society.

I am very determined that I want to emulate or even surpass my mother, in first acquiring the 'money brains' and also the sense of helping the underprivileged in society get an equal opportunity in life. 

Here's to you Mum, happy Mother's Day !   


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