Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jurong Bird Park - a revisit

Squawk, squawk, yeah, I've had a long day too ! 

       Recently this past week, my company has been hosting our partners from Rookee India, and the visitors expressed an interest to visit the world famous  Jurong Bird Park. As we had a couple of hours of free time, I took it upon myself to bring them to the Park, at around 4pm. From a vision by the late Finance and National Development Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, the Bird Park was a reality in the early 70s and the first and largest man - made waterfall housing a huge aviary with thousands of birds roaming, in a practically cage - free environment, a large fine mesh netting covering a huge expanse of trees.
        I have visited the place when my kids were still toddlers, more than 10 years ago. Recently, I may have brought some visitor from Japan some 5 years ago, but the memories and the experience is still as good as the previous ones.

        Here is a picture of me with a Lory, a small parakeet. These birds are friendly and very colourful. They also make a racket and with one squawking into my ear, I am sure she has got my attention !

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