Saturday, May 19, 2012

Muthu's Lunch Date 14th May

Our feast 

          14th May was another interesting meet up with friends, whom I have made the last 4 years. Roland is my friend from Karate dojo KSK, whom I first met in 2008. Retired from active work these last 4 years, he has taken up directorships in several Government owned banks overseas. He is also the President of our Karate club, and offering advice in the Credit Counselling Bureau, which is meant for helping people who have issues with their money (or lack of) and curbing bad spending habits.  Eddie, also has retired from active work, and is managing his own business from Jakarta, where he was based for a number of years. Both were ex-bankers in very senior positions, and I am grateful to share their life experiences, as well as friendship. 

         They both impart to me the message, Life is Short, use your time wisely and meaningfully. Money is not the be all and end all of life. We all face death one day, so lets not have regrets of not doing the things we wanted, wished or should have done when we had the health and means to do it. 

        Carpe Diem.   

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