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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friendship - can one put a price to it ?
Recently I was asked to help out a friend in need, this means lending money. My first rule of thumb is that I have lent money to friends who told me the blunt truth that they were in debt and would take some time to repay it. The first friend left the country shortly after I loaned the money and is now in China. I doubt, I will see the likes of her again. The second friend was a long time friend who is based in HK and again he made no big promises of when he would pay the loan back. The amounts are not large, but both in the 4 figure region respectively. But I will remember them, because a loan is a commercial transaction, and business and friendship should never mix. That is my golden rule.
The point of it all is this. If you are indeed a friend, a good pal, someone whom you have shared good times and bad, why not help out, if you can afford it ? The thing is, money is a great divider and many a times, the love of money is the root of all evil. There is this friend who got caught in a financial transaction gone bad, and started calling all his acquaintences including me for small loans, each party he called he twisted the story a little bit to give the version which suited him best. All our mutual friends avoided him, and there is one friend, who has known him for 20 years and refused to lend him even the meagre sum he needed, saying that the idea of his friend repaying him was remote. I am appalled that people you may know for a length of time,maybe in years only want to know you when you have money. Who will be with you when you are old and poor ? Your true friends ? Your children ?
Friendships are most true when you are genuine and enjoy the company.
Buying friends presents, drinks and meals are fine. Even if it runs into the 4 figures for some, but when the issue becomes a money lending situation, friends start questioning the motives and even the foundations of the friendship. Chose who you want as friends wisely.
What happens when you yourself are then caught in a bind ? Who will then help you if you need some cash to tide over till the next payment comes in ? Save for a rainy day and pray that that day never comes.
You reap what you sow.
Is the USA in a better position now than 4 years ago ?
I read an analytical piece about the US economy by a Robert Samuelson, for the Washington Post Writers Group, who compares Obama led Democratic Government from the time he was about to get elected - Sept 2008 till now, Sept 2012, where he is again contesting for re-election. He compared numbers such as inflation year on year, property prices, real disposable per capita income , cost of petrol or gasoline, Dow Jones stock index, unemployment in terms of percentage, as well as confidence level about the economy.
In short the big picture shows this :
2012 vs end 2008
a) Property or asset prices : down 20%
b) Dow Jones index : up (60%)
c) Inflation YoY : 8%
d) Cost of Gasoline : up 108%
e) Unemployment : up from 7.8% to 8.1%
f) Consumer confidence : up by 62%
g) Salaries (hourly earnings) : up by 6% YoY
h) Jobs in millions : down 0.2 % (133.6 Million vs 133.3 Million)
He summarised that it was almost the same levels, except for the huge jump in gasoline prices. Dow Jones was up 60% but to translate that to real terms is impossible to assess, as it depends on whether the majority of people are into stock and equities.
In short, it boiled down to unemployment, if people can get jobs, then they have a fixed revenue stream and they can plan their future and retirement, housing, starting families and their lives in general.
I would say, that the American economy is in a state of limbo and if the jobs situation has stagnated or gotten worse, then the Obama administration has failed. That is the bottom line.
I am no economist, but people in the new economy need assistance in getting onto the first rung of society, ie. jobs. Its not the quality of jobs, but jobs in total, in numbers.
Obama's team has been saying, well give it some time for the bills to take effect, the jobs will come, that has been their mantra and meantime, the Fed Reserve goes and approves the printing of more money or Quantitative Easing 3, which is pumping US$ 40 billion into the economy by buying long term US bonds each month, which will ultimately go into the banks coffers. What do the banks do ? Will they will then offer loans to all and sundry and repackage the debt just like the recent subprime crisis ? Or will the money flow out into the higher growth havens like China, or even the safe havens like Singapore and Switzerland and bolster the stock market assets and property markets - as it has before with massive flows of hot money after the QE 1 and QE 2 leading to astronomical property price per square foot in Singapore never experienced historically.
So, the writer asks, are Americans pessimstic about the future or optimistic ? Its less about whether Americans are actually better off now than 4 years ago - perhaps things have stagnated - and more about whether they believe things will get better.
The best is yet to be ? Or the worst is yet to come ?
We can never go back, so be the best that you can be
The boys at Gold Coast Australia, 2004
" You can never go back, you can never look back" from the Boys of Summer, a Don Henley (Eagles frontman) song.
This is just a reminder to me and all who know me, is that to Seize the Day is to make the most of your time here. We have perhaps around 80 or less years (maybe 90 for some lucky few), so whatever your dreams tell you, it is you and you alone who will decide whether you want to pursue those dreams.
I may sound a little idealistic, but its my life, and I will lead it with no regrets.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Friday 7th September 2012, Reunion of the '78 Saints.
Team '78, from L to R :
Back Row : Lee Lai Seng, Shoeb Kagda,Yap Tzin Haen,Andrew Lee,
Front Row : Paul Ezekiel, Phang Seng Meng,Andrew Paul,ChewPing Nan.
Lee Lai Seng, Myself
Friday 7th September was the day we will remember for a long time to come
We started the day early, some of us arrived at the Joan Bowen cafe in St. Andrew's Village as early as 3pm, to setup the sound system, music, Bingo and props. Kudos must go out to the following tireless Saints who gave up their precious time, and some opportunity costs to make this, our 50th year in existence a truly "'Once in a Lifetime"' experience which all who were present would be talking for years to come.
The organisers are :
1. A. Surendran - MC and general Overall in Charge
2. Chew Ping Nan - the man who kept everyone in the Loop
3. Albert Hong Heng Chow - Treasurer
4. YapTzin Haen - Tombola Man
5. Andrew Lee - Sound Man
Thank you guys for an unforgettable night ! , especially Surendran and Ping Nan.
Phang Seng Meng, Andrew Lee, A. Surendran
You are the Men !
Our Master of ceremonies for the night, A. Surendran, who handled the evening's
proceedings with great professionalism
In addition, there were 2 us, Paul Ezekiel and myself who formed a 2 man Band, dubbed "The Secret". We played the School Hymn as well several songs from the Bee Gees and the Beatles which (OK I am blowing our horns here, and purely my biased opinion ) were appreciated by the Old Boys.
So the itinerary went like this :
4pm - Arrive for football, unfortanately after 15 minutes, Andrew Paul hurt his leg from the astroturf, and hobbled off. Rain stopped play after 20 minutes, and we waited at the changing rooms area till the All Clear was sounded.
5pm - Continued with football, the players numbered around 10 - 12, and they were :
Myself Wong Yoong Ping
Yap Tzin Haen, Phang Seng Meng
Chew Ping Nan Andrew Paul
Shoeb Kagda Jeffrey Kwan
Albert Hong, Paul Ezekiel.
Score was 7 - 5 in our team's favour.
Rain stopped play after about 45 minutes by which time, we were all tired out (we are 50 by the way!) and decided tohead for the early showers.
6.30 pm Arrival of the Old Boys, there was much back slapping, hugging, "'Ï can't believe its you"' expressions and reminiscing about the Good Old Times.
Phang Seng Meng, Aldrin Ow Hing Choy, Chiu Loo Kwong, Jeffrey Kwan
Abraham Mathew, Glyn Sim, Yap Tzin Haen, Andrew Lee
7.30pm Our old school teahcers arrived, I was so touched to have a good chat with Mr. Victor Wee who is 79 this year, but his mind is still razor sharp. He is retired from teaching and helping out at the orphanage in North East Thailand 4 times each year. Also present were Mrs. Diana Wing, Mrs Susie Fredericks, Ms. Jackie Oehlers, Mr. Tin (hockey coach) and Mr. William Wong (Junior 2 teachers)
Section of the Old Boys with Mrs. Susie Fredericks
To all the teachers who made it, and those who couldn't. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS !!
There was much merriment, and 'talking cock" amongst the Old Boys that when Surendran took the mike to address the crowd, he had to resort to the school boyish taunts of "Shut the fxxx up !"' to get us all quiet. Even in the presence of our Minister buddy, we all behaved like we were 15, and why not ? This was a private event and our opinions and our behavior could very well reflect our pure intentions with no agendas except for having a jolly good old time with our Primary 1 to Secondary 4 classmates, best friends and enemies and reminisce.
Yap Tzin Haen and Albert conducting the Bingo session
S. Thedasaidas, Peter Ooi, Andrew Lee
There was the Bingo, as well as the School Quiz, and 70s Songs and finally the Finale the School Song. There was so much memories, good and bad, that basically the food was secondary to us having a good time and seeing who looked like he was still 15 !!
Ping Nan leading the School Hymn with me on Keyboards, Paul Ezekiel on Guitar
and Andrew Lee with the Sound System
Section of the 60 + crowd who turned up
What an unforgettable and epic meeting of Boys turned Men.
Reliving the days of our Youth ; Saint Andrews Class of 1978
Friday 7th September 2012 will be long remembered by me as well as many as 60 of my Primary - Secondary school classmates. Why ? Well, for one, we all (save for a few chaps who repeated 1 year or 2), 90 percent of us were 1962 babies, born in the Boomer years practically less than 20 years after the 2nd World War. So, yeah, we turn 50 or a half century old this year !
Why celebrate your entrance into full middle age ? Some of you might ask , well why not ? We have had many times to be reflective, many things to be thankful for, and some things which we have some regrets and one important thing, we are ALIVE and for the most part, HEALTHY.
That in itself is something I thank God for !
Many of us (not all) are married, a number are divorced (some twice), some have been single all this while, but whatever their marital status, and sexual orientation, it was indeed a joyful occasion to meet, catch up - some of us had never even met up since 1978, a grand total of 34 years !! - play football like when we were in Secondary 1 - 3 (ages 13 - 15), without a care in the world except whether we would be caught by the prefects (ons of them is the current Minister in the Prime Minister's Office mind you) because, without fail, all of us would come into class at 1.10pm every weekday smelling like a bunch of dead rats ! Our form teachers, ranging from a Mrs Lim (aka Penguin), Checkgu (Teacher in Malay), Mrs Krempel (May her soul rest in peace), Mrs. Diana Wong (My 2C Form teacher), Mrs. Huang (a real toughie), and of course Mr. Victor Wee (our discipline master for the entire Secondary and Pre -U cohort) had to put up with this bunch of playful, noisy, smelly, slacking jokers who would not be in the least bit motivated to hand in their homework unless threatened with house calls and caning.
Many unforgettable stories came thick and fast, who was the most sexy teacher, who had the public caning for having porn magazines, who beat up whom, and sadly, who amongst our cohort had passed away.
Part of the St. Andrew's Village encompassing the Primary,
Secondary School and Junior College all in one 'village'
The old school field is now an artificial one made of Astroturf.
Names like Andrew Fok, Raymond Goh and Zulkilfi were names bandied around as those who have left this world. I pray that our bunch of Old Boys stay steadfastly connected through our Old School which had left such indelidible imprints on our lives. I quote from the School Song by John Oxenham :
"Lives are in the making here,
Hearts are in the waking here,
Mighty Undetrtaking here,
Up and On !
We are arming for the fight
Pressing On with all our might
Pluming wings for higher flight
Up and On ! "
Such poetic wisdom in those words.
To all my lifelong friends, the Saints, let me say this :
" Keep the flame burning brightly ever !"
We have run 1/2 the race, lets run the other half in the true Saints Spirit and with Grace.
Up and On !!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Open Condom Store - Psy's Mishead Lyrics
To be absolutely honest, I didn't like his viral hit at all when I first viewed it. It was so 'in your face' randomness that I thought, "ah, another of those wannabe attention deficit, talentless people who hog the Social Media like Youtube, FB and Twitter". How wrong I was.
Update (Dec 2012) : His video hit Gangnam Style has hit over 1 billion views ! Making it the most watched video in the history of Youtube.
His magic is that he does not take any part of his persona seriously, he says " Dress Classy, and Dance Cheesy" which is a real takeaway in this polarised world of Muslim anger at another insult to their religion, growing inequality between the rich and the poor, the rising show of power by the new economic giant, China and the European debt crisis which is threatening to throw the entire world into an economic tailspin.
Whats a little bit of horseriding 'over the top' mayhem with a catchy tune and eye candy ? Add to that the misheard lyrics like " Open Condom Store", " Sauna Air" , "Korea not a gnome", "Saddam said Whoa" and you have the next BIG THING.
What exactly is this music genre I don't know, but its really ENTERTAINING. Thats what matters.
Psy brings down the Ellen House ! Amazing K Pop video
The newest K-Pop phenonmenon, PSY, is a rather plump,average looking chap with gelled hair, great dressing and dark sunglasses. In short, he looks like a cartoon character who doesn't take himself seriously. However, his Gangnam Style dance has taken the entire world by storm clocking over 200 million hits in a matter of months.
My initial reaction was "huh ? so that's it ?" and actually felt that this guy had no talent, danced horribly and no charisma. How wrong I was, you see popular culture embraces the raw edgy and totally wacky personas every once in a while, like the fellows who gave us the Macarena in late 90s and the strange Georgian chants infused into the funk music in the early '90s.
But this guy, Psy, man, he is really a top class entertainer who can whip the crowd into a frenzy with this catchy , oh so hilariously random dance.
See how he weaves his magic into the latest Ellen Degeneres show. Call me shallow, call me an Ah Beng, I am a fan !
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Can't wait to go ski again
Tomamu Resort Twin Towers facing the slopes
The cold wintry days are coming, and I am sure looking forward to some time on the slopes. Yes, times are bad, businesses all over the world are reeling from the triple whammy of poor economic outlook in USA, the EURO debt crisis and China's plunging manufacturing sector. However, with some of my savings from the last few years, I plan to take my family for their once a year bonding time.
Then again, you never know, I might go to the North Asian countries soon, as our partners are located there, and the Dec - Feb months are perfect for a slide down the pistes or two ?
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