Saturday, September 22, 2012

Psy brings down the Ellen House ! Amazing K Pop video

    The newest K-Pop phenonmenon, PSY, is a rather plump,average looking chap with gelled hair, great dressing and dark sunglasses. In short, he looks like a cartoon character who doesn't take himself seriously. However, his Gangnam Style dance has taken the entire world by storm clocking over 200 million hits in a matter of months.

    My initial reaction was "huh ? so that's it ?" and actually felt that this guy had no talent, danced horribly and no charisma. How wrong I was, you see popular culture embraces the raw edgy and totally wacky personas every once in a while, like the fellows who gave us the Macarena in late 90s and the strange Georgian chants infused into the funk music in the early '90s.

    But this guy, Psy, man, he is really a top class entertainer who can whip the crowd into a frenzy with this catchy , oh so hilariously random dance.

     See how he weaves his magic into the latest Ellen Degeneres show. Call me shallow, call me an Ah Beng, I am a fan !

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