Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Billy Joel was taking some Q & A in New York's Vanderbilt University when this happens....

He is one of my favourite all time Rock and Roll singers, together with Mick Jagger, Elton John and Bryan Ferry. Yeah, he's grown old and pudgy but this is video shows something amazing, a student watching Billy Joel perform at the Concert Hall, asks him whether he could play the piano to the tune of one of Billy's all time hits " New York State of Mind".  

Guess what, Billy said "yes !".  The man himself, the Piano Man decided to take a gamble with this unknown kid, and what you see is pure magic, bordering on joy.

I hope I could one day play the piano on stage with one of my music idols. That would be something !!

Michael Hollis, you have Seized the Day !

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