Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

                                               To all my Christian friends, a Happy Easter

       Easter to many people in this world is another holiday after Good Friday, but to Christians around the world this is the most celebrated day, after the birth of Christ. Of course, in Rome, the newly elected Pope (Francis) will give the Easter blessings  through the service to the many millions who have turned up or watched it over the TV.

     Some 2013 less 33 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth was hung on the cross at the place called Golgotha, Calvary or the Skull (depending on which interpretation of the Bible). Though blameless of any crime, he was put to death by none other than the people he came to save, throught their ignorance and jealousy.

     After 3 days, he rose from the dead, and was witnessed by a multitude of people including Mary Magdelene and the 11 disciples  for a few days after that (Judas had fled by that time). 

     So, his rebirth and resurrection has given many Christians cause for hope and celebration, for they serve a risen Savior. So, to my Christian friends, Happy Easter !!  

1 comment:

IP Camera said...

thanks for share!!

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