Sunday, March 24, 2013

Common Singlish Phrases and Modifiers

                    Like my school friends (all who turned 50 last year), born and bred in Singapore,
                             Singlish is the one of the unifying aspects of life which bond us together, 
                                              regardless of where we might be in the world

'Hey, Ah Beng ! Long time no see ! How's the job ?'

Patient (Ah Beng)
'Wah ! Cannot Tahan lah ! Boss always Tekan me.
I work hard, cannot Jiat Juah, damn Sian
He's blur like sotong, also Kan Cheong Spider
So make me Gabra
I damn stress, cannot sleep, so I go and have a drink
When I go home, Gostan my car , kena Langga
So now, got sleep problem, neck pain and Bengkok Bumper !

Chill man, here, take  something to calm your nerves, MC 2 days OK ?    

If you have no clue what Ah Beng is saying, you are in good company. Singlish is spoken by native Singaporeans or those who have lived here for a good part of their lives. It is the patois which is tossed around as casual pigdin English spoken by the 'locals'. Many of us slip into this whenever we come together in a casual or informal setting such as Chinese New Year's, office parties, drinks with golfing khakis (mates) and friends, and of course, the Army Reservist training. The 2 and a half years wearing Green Army fatigues throws all 18 year old boys into the army field doing all kinds of different vocations with all kinds of educational levels and language skills mixed up, so you will have an 'A' level graduand mixing with boys who have only Primary or Secondary education. Added to that, instructions are sent in Malay during marching drills and you have an education of Singlish 101 for the 2 and a half years. 

Top 12 words and Phrases in Singlish

Wah Lau !   (My old ...!)    Exclaimation meaning Golly Gee ! in a negative connotation
Tahan     :   Take it or cope with   (Malay)
Cannot Tahan : Cannot cope (with the situation or person)  (Malay English)
Tekan     :   Bully or applies verbal pressure in a condecending manner (Malay 'to hit')
Jiat Juah :  (Eat snake literally)   To relax and chill at work  (Hokkien)
Sian         : State of ennui or lack of motivation  (Hokkien but slang)
Blur like Sotong :  Confused or slow to catch on, like sotong (squid) ; no direct translation
Kan Cheong Spider : (Anxious, Jumpy) Spider - another modifier  (Hokkien)
Gostan   : merging of 2 words, Go astern or move backwords, becomes Gostan (English)
Kena Langga  : Get into an accident (Malay)
Bengkok : Bent (Malay).
Gabra    :   Going in all directions

Modifiers and Phrase Compressors

Ok 'Lah', Lor  -  The intonation upper, lower length of expanding the lah also has meaning 
                           showing the satisfaction (lah), nonplussed or indifference (Lor), 
                           displeasure (soft lah) or even distate (strong lah)  is a direct answer to the 
                           common greeting "Whats up ?" or " How are you ? "

No 'Lah', 'Leh' -  Strong lah shows firm 'No'. Weak lah shows an undecided no, 'Leh' is                                 
                            an affront to counter the questioner's doubt, when the person answering  
                             herself is not convinced that it is 'No'.

'No need lah' -  Firm no nonsense 'No', to show who's boss.

'Never mind ba' - A touchy never mind, bordering on disappointment

There are literally dozens of phrases and words to simplify the English language, Singlish is a practical albeit pariochial form which is concise, with grammar and very unfying when used  in a casual setting with friends.

" Tonight got Man U versus Barcelona, come I give you half ball ! "    


Seize the Day.     


1 comment:

IP Camera said...

thanks for sare!!!

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