Sunday, January 12, 2014

Our Very Own Running Inspiration ; Mr. Chan Meng Hui

      I share the exact same sentiment as Mr. Chan Meng Hui, running to me is like breathing, if I do not run, I feel lifeless and edgy. Man was born to use his legs and running comes naturally to me - although stamina and running endurance is only God given to a blessed few. 

     He started running at - get this - age 52, when he was sick and tired all the time from entertaining clients and drinking till his liver got sick, so on one trip to Japan, he saw all these senior citizens living active lives and eating healthily, so he vowed to change his lifestyle and now clocks - get this (at age 83) - 80 km a week !   Incredible you say ? He is also very fast, clocking a 3 hours 26 minutes when he was 56 years old. That is 5 years older than I am now ! 
     When there is a will there is a way. The body is a fantastic machine, when given the right foods, rest, motivation and discipline, it can work wonders. Use it wisely and you get maximum output for the same machine, use it and feed it junk, overuse it, abuse it and never let it rest, and it breaks down.

     My hero for the moment is aiming for - get this - 100 marathons ; which he will achieve in a couple of years time. He is already at full marathon 97.  

     Lets aim high and set the bar every higher. 

     Seize the Day ! 

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